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How to adjust the item cost in an order?

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    How to adjust the item cost in an order?

    Someone has placed an order and I want to lower the cost of one of the items. I realise that I could just do an 'orderwide' adjustment, but there are multiple discounts applied and it could get hidiously messy.

    So is there a way to just change the cost of one item? I'm kind of assuming there is because if you click on the item and press 'view' it brings up a window that has the 'original' and 'current' unit price. This does seem to imply that you can change it somehow, but everything in the window is greyed out so I can't edit it...

    So how do I do it?

    Hi John

    As far as I'm aware the only way to change the prices of the products is by adding an Adjustment, like you've mentioned in your posting. The Orignal and Current Unit price fields only show changes when you make changes to the Shipped or Cancelled quantites boxes that appear on that same screen.

    Kind Regards
    Kiran Chandran
    Technical Support - SellerDeck

    Further help can also be found at

