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adding rollover bgcolor to cells in the advanced javascript section/sub-section list

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    adding rollover bgcolor to cells in the advanced javascript section/sub-section list

    Does anyone or the creator of the javascript section/sub-section list in the advanced user guide know how to add a rolover bg color to the sections link cells created?
    I'm currently using this javascript as the main navigation for my users and the creation of the sub sections is a God send.
    However it doesn't give me the control over design that I would like.
    My limited understanding of the javascript supplied would have me believe that with every link created a new cell is created. (I could be wrong). Therefore it should be possible to get that nice rollover effect you get with other javascript menus. Thus making my links look little more like a solid button rather than a boring/fuctional text link.
    I'm happy customising css files but creating javascript is beyond me. I'm hoping one of you talented developers might be able to help or at least point me in the right direction. Fingers crossed!
    Boxhedge New Media Design
    Design and development solutions for SME's.
    Tel: 0118 966 2786
    Examples of work can be found at

    Well, I created the code for the text links, but I just adapted it from some code that one of our ex-developers had put together. I don't know how you would adapt it in the way you require, but Norman Rouxel's 'NorMenu' application will incluse fab looking JavaScript flyout menus into your store pages.

    Visti Norman's site at for more details.

