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upgrade / update problem v6.1.3

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    upgrade / update problem v6.1.3

    ok I give up - help !

    I upgraded from 6.1.2.DDVA to 6.1.3.DHBA
    the upgrade appeared to complete smoothly.

    I removed the existing website and started with a clean area to upload to, but every time I try and refresh/update website I get as far sending base files and catalog hangs (normally on sending

    I've tried the troubleshooting options and they hang too when sending files ??

    I've also tried uploading manually, this I managed to complete ok and have sucessfully placed a test order, well successfull until I went to retrieve the order and got a mismatch error statting that the server scripts are 6DDVA and the client is 6DHBA.

    what defines that the scripts are 6DDVA, is it just the ver.fil or is it hidden elsewhere ?

    has anybody got any ideas ??



    I've also tried uploading manually, this I managed to complete ok and have sucessfully placed a test order, well successfull until I went to retrieve the order and got a mismatch error statting that the server scripts are 6DDVA and the client is 6DHBA.
    To fix this problem, copy the cgi scripts (all *.pm and *.pl files) from the original directory, then start Actinic Ecommerce. Refresh the web site ( Web | Refresh Website) to upload the scripts. Note, if you have customised the scripts then you will need to re-apply your changes after copying the scripts to the site folder.


      thanks for that, I'll give that a go - Any idea if this will also fix the upload hang problem, or is that another issue entirely ?




        the hanging will be a separate problem!


          just a quick question when you say it hangs up does it give you the message that it is 'unable to connect to the ftp server etc.......'
          because mine is driving me mad. it worked for the first few times and I can download orders but every time I try to update the website I get this message. I was just wandering whether you had the same problem as we are beginning to think it is something in the software as all other avenues have been checked and double checked.


            Problems with connections hanging are 99% caused by your ISP connection, not the software


              its all been checked and double checked by shellnet and the guy that sorts out all the computers in our office and they can't find anything wrong with the ISP connection. Also I sent a snapshot to someone outside our office to configure payments providers and to change a few things and he didn't have a problem updateing it using the same settings but his own Actinic software. It is very strange


                outside our office to configure payments providers and to change a few things and he didn't have a problem updateing
                different connection though.....


                  The most likely issue is that you are going through a firewall or proxy which is blocking Actinic.

                  You can enter HTTP and FTP proxy details on the 'Advanced | Network Setup' window. There are a couple of tips and tricks on the Knowledge Base for proxy configuration - try searching for 'proxy'.



                    When it hangs it really hangs I have to kill off actinic to be able to recover.

                    using the same ISP/connection I can browse/ftp etc manually and have managed to transfer all the files manually, I just cannot get v6.1.3 to go past sending base files !

                    I had a similar issue when moving from v5 to v6, and that was permissions on the acatalog folder - I've checked these and still no go this time ????

                    Hope that sheds some light on whether it's an actinic thing or an isp thing for you.




                      Hi Paul

                      You say you can manually ftp to your site. I presume you are using a third party ftp program

                      One thing to try is the following

                      1. Open Internet Explorer window
                      2. Type in the following:

                      You should see a group of folders, if you can an error message then it seems the proxy is blocking your ftp using IE. This is how Actinic transfers its files across

                      Please check it. Once you can ftp using Internet Explorer, then Actinic will work fine

                      Kind Regards
                      Nadeem Rasool
                      SellerDeck Development


                        okay finally got it sorted, it seems to hae been a problem @ the host end, I spent many an our on the phone to them and after stepping through the process bit by bit fially nailed it down to a problem with passive ftp.

                        They adjusted their settings and bingo !

                        thanks to all for all the help and general pointers.




                          oops! my spool chocker appears to be broken

