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General Script Error and v7.0.7 HCFA UK

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    General Script Error and v7.0.7 HCFA UK

    I have updated to v7.0.7 HCFA UK this afternoon from v7.0.6 and now at checkout customer see a warning-

    A General Script Error Occurred

    Error: ./acatalog/82Z35Z248Z248A1175689150B21476.session can not be locked during Session init!
    Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

    I was very very happy with my v7.0.6 patch/update and now I want to downgrade to that patch but can't find it on download centre. Do you know how can I obtain that patch?

    Universal Distribution

    When you did the upgrade did you upload or refresh the website - you should rfresh to ensure all the scripts are updated. You can also do a purge and refresh.


      It was refreshed just after upgrading. Thanks
      Universal Distribution


        Try changing the script id, then do a purge and refresh again and see if that helps.


          I have changed the script id and refreshed but still the same.
          Universal Distribution



            I would suggest doing a 'Purge and Refresh' of the website from 'Help | Troubleshooting | Web Site Purge & Refresh'. If this too does not help then I can only suggest you raise a support ticket here or call in support if you have a cover contract.

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King


              Thanks Bruce, I have contacted Actinic support and they have looked at my ftp site and suggested cgi permissions incorrect and it should be 755 but internetters support is sticking to one point that "I was confirmed by our system admin that the 755 permission does not exist on Windows server. However, the cgi-bin has the correct permission to run scripts without any problems"

              I have contacted Actinic support again and they explained

              On a windows server, 755 means the following:

              7 - Read, Write, Execute
              5 - Read, Execute
              5 - Read Execute

              I have passed this info to internetters support but same answer 755 does not exist on Windows server.

              Universal Distribution


                They are correct, 755 does not exist on a windows server, this is a Unix term..

                NTFS Permissions – CGI-BIN Directory
                NTFS permissions for the cgi-bin directory have to also be set up.
                Open up Windows Explorer and drill down to the cgi-bin directory, right click on it and select Properties:

                The cgi-bin Properties window is displayed:

                Select the Security tab:

                Highlight the Everyone User:

                Check the following Allow Permissions:
                Read & Execute
                List Folder Contents
                Allow inheritable permissions from parent to propagate to this object.

                FTP User
                Because the Everyone User permissions have been restricted it is necessary to give the user that will be used to ftp the files to the server write access to the cgi-bin directory.
                Click on the Add button and select the appropriate user:

                Click OK.

                The following permissions should be checked for the ftp User:
                Read & Execute
                List Folder Contents

                Click on Apply and then OK to exit cgi-bin Properties window.
                Pass this to them and see what they have to say. If you download a copy of the Advanced Users Guide, you will find this information along with visual aids to help you setup the correct permissions. You will find the info on page 108.

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King

