Over the weekend I found the Hotlink Protection facility on my cpanel and tried switching it on. It did a great job of blocking the myspace and ebay hotlinks, however it also blocked my own 'Click to Enlarge Image' feature. Presumably this is because I use some Javascript to generate the following HTML:
I'm guessing that he problem is that I am linking to the image file directly, and the Hotlink protection prevents that, requiring the image to be referenced from an html page on the website.
Any clever ideas on generating the HTML on-the-fly, when provided with an image filename as a parameter?
Alan Compton
Great board games and cards games you won't find in the High Street
<A HREF=\"javascript:ShowPopUp("../acatalog/image_filename.jpg", 800, 800)\"><span class=\"actxxsmall\">Click to enlarge image</span></A>
Any clever ideas on generating the HTML on-the-fly, when provided with an image filename as a parameter?
Alan Compton
Great board games and cards games you won't find in the High Street