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No Emails

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    No Emails

    I have a strange problem with one of my sites, in that it has stopped sending emails to customers, and to me when a new order is placed.

    I host several sites on 1and1 so the SMTP server is the same across all sites.
    Some work and some don't.

    One will send the test email, another will send the order email, but not the test email. And the third does not email at all.

    Any suggestions on what I can/should be checking.


    Look in the error.err file in your acatalog directory as you might find something in there.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Right you are... it looks like something does not like my email address

      Internal Errors = Error returned from SMTP server (4: <;>: malformed address: ;> may not follow <

      is this an actinic problem or a 1and1 problem?

      I have seen the same error where a customer has put a comma instead of a full stop in their email address.


        I've changed the email address to a standard address, but i'm still not getting any order confirmation email copies. My customers get theirs, but I'm receiving nothing.

        I've deleted the error.err file, and a new one has not been created.

        Does anyone have any other suggestions as what could be wrong?

        Have I inadvertently modified a template?


          I'm stabbing in the dark here:
          As a first step, have a look at the file nqset00.fil, it should contain the line:

          'EMAIL' => 'xxxxxxx',

          where xxxxxxx is your shop's email address. It should be a valid email address.

          nqset00.fil is the file that provides a lot of the shop's settings for the perl scripts. The emails are sent by perl scripts, so only modifying one of those could cause this problem.




            I take it that the smtp address contains '' rather than ''? That seems to be a common mistake. Another thing to try would be to put 'localhost' in as your smtp server address and see if that works.

            is this an actinic problem or a 1and1 problem?
            All Actinic does is send a text message to port 25 on the smtp server and then expects it to do the rest. As Alan suggests the email address in 'Business Settings | Company/Contact tab' will need to be a valid email address for the website.


              The actual SMTP server is called

              If I try testing from my local Apache Server, then I have to fill in the username and password on a valid account.

              However what I've just done is to add two email addresses seperated by spaces on the Ordering Tab and only the second email address has received the email!

              It seems some email address work, and other dont. Yet if I email the suspect address directly then the mail is received! just not if actinic tries to send it.


                This might sound weird but can you try using and see if that works, you can always revert if it does not.

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King


                  Thanks Bruce thats worked!

