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Sales Tax In Shopping Cart

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    Sales Tax In Shopping Cart

    To start I am using Developer EGSA with UPS Online Tools and sales tax charged if the delivery address is in the state of PA

    When a customer adds something to their cart the sales tax is automatically added to their order. Although, when they select their destination state it correctly goes away.

    However, I am getting alot of negative feedback and phone calls from customers wanting to know why they are charged sales tax (not realizing that it will go away at some point).

    Is there a setting I can change to stop this? Is it UPS Online Tools causing this?

    Any suggestions on how to get this to go away would be appreciated. If you are interested in seeing it in action the url is


    I would suggest getting in touch with Brian Johnson if my suggestions do not work... he is available at 877-528-7635, this will have to be on Monday.

    I can tell you that UPS has nothing to do with calculating tax so plays no part in that bit other than calculating shipping for the product purchased. This may be down to how you have Actinic configured, I dont have a US version with me at the moment so cannot test it for you. I could suggest using the 'Request Location information Early' option as this will force a location selection so will enable correct tax calculation.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King

