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Running under Windows emulation

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    Running under Windows emulation

    Hello group.
    I'd like to run Actinic 6.0 on a Mac and wondered
    1) which Windows emulator runs Actinic best (fast and stable)
    2) are any features disabled or problematic when running in this mode
    3) What's the minimum and preferred configuration you'd recommend (processor speed, memory etc). I need to get a new Powerbook, so any recommendations fom the current range would be appreciated.
    Of course, if those lovely people at Actinic would see the light and release a Mac-OS version...


    I'm running actinic business 6 on a very old Beige G3 266Mhz 160Mg RAM. running VirtualPC3, and it run's perfectly, no hicups, no crashes, it's perfect.

    So basically you can run it on anything, especially if your getting a new powerbook, I'd recomend virtual PC 6 (i think that's the new one, but it might be version 5).

    Good look

    Gareth king

