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Mysterious oldprice.fil warning

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    Mysterious oldprice.fil warning

    Hi there

    I hope someone can explain this. I made some changes to prices of products and uploaded the website as usual. Everything works fine but when orders are downloaded an error message comes up saying:
    "Warning: Some files on the website appear to have changed since Actinic last uploaded them. These files will be completely refreshed the next time you upload your catalog. Please upload your catalog as soon as this download is complete. The changed files are: oldprice.fil oldprod.fil oldtext.fil"

    I have tried purging content and a complete site refresh. I have then looked at the files with ftp and these 3 are refreshed (ie they have the current date/time on them), but the error message persists.

    My questions are: What are these files? They don't exist on my local computer so how do they get on the server? Given that the orders appear to download fine, can I just ignore this error message? Or can I do something else to get rid of the message? Or can I delete the files manually from the server without causing catastrophe? Does it make any difference that the orders are being downloaded on to a different machine from the one that uploads?

    Any solutions or explanations would be gratefully received.



    Have you additionally deleted the fil files from site1 folder?


      No I haven't deleted anything from the Site 1 folder. There are lots of fil files there but none prefixed with old.


        I have tried purging content and a complete site refresh
        Jo, does this mean that you have tried a Website Purge and Refresh through Help|Troubleshooting or have you manually deleted some files of either the server or your pc. Please can you clarify that . Additionally what happens when you do a test of your Network Settings does it go through fine.

        Please let us know

        Kind Regards
        Kiran Chandran
        Technical Support - SellerDeck

        Further help can also be found at


          Hi Kiran

          I will explain fully what I have done / not done:

          1 I have not deleted any files either on the server or within the Actinic folder on my computer. I have only ftp'd to the site in order to see if the oldfile.fil files are still there (which they are).

          As far as purging is concerned, I have not gone through Help > Troubleshooting as the only option I see there is to Purge Session Files which I am reluctant to do.

          I have purged Content through the Housekeeping menu and I have refreshed the website twice through the Web menu.

          Network Settings test is absolutely fine.

          I would appreciate any advice. Can you explain how the oldxxxx.fil files are generated?



            I would appreciate any advice. Can you explain how the oldxxxx.fil files are generated?
            The *.fil files are configuration files that contain the information for the customer accounts, customer groups, shipping calculation, the tax calculation and the search. When Actinic updates the store it doesn't send up every search keyword, or customer account again. It just sends up the latest information and merges it with the *.file files already there on the server. The old***.fil files are backups of the online files created before the merge takes place.

            Anyway, the problem on your site is Actinic has lost track of where it has got to with updating the online files, and the best solution is to go to 'Help | Troubleshooting' and select the 'Web Site Purge and Refresh' option at the bottom. You will then have the option to remove all current *.fil files and start again.

            This will disable your site for the duration of the refresh so you need to do it at a quiet time of day.

