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Anyone know of an Actinic site buider?

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    Anyone know of an Actinic site buider?

    My website has been on line for just over a year now.

    The results are disapointing to say the least, primarily because the site I have created is absolute rubbish. No reflection on the Actinic product, more a case of my lack of website knowledge.

    I have looked into having a a site designed from another product, whilst the end result is good the 'maintenance' and 'update' fees are horrendous, not to mention being tied to the designers server.

    So it's back to the drawing board.

    I've seen some beautiful sites designed with Actinic, and it would be a shame to dump Actinic just because I no longer have the time or inclination to start again.

    Does anyone know if there are designers out there that will create an Actinic site in it's entirety?

    I'm quite happy working with the site in respect of adding new items etc, but thats about it.

    Can I salvage something out of this mess?

    All (polite ) suggestions gratefuly recieved.


    Nigel, stick with Actinic. Its not a five minute job to learn but its looks like you have got the basic skills already, why not start with a clean fresh look yourself?

    I have no training myself and just stuck with it until I got something half reasonable. Plenty of help from people on here of course, but most folks on here are helpful enough if you are polite, etc.

    Hopefully somebody on here can help out anyway (if needed).

    Good luck.

    (No offence but its good to see a genuine, honest post for a change, rather then the usual repeat questions or complaints about `bugs` in the software and stuff).
    Football Heaven

    For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


      I think you are right to think about a redesign. While you contact companies about this, have look into broadening your products for sale. For an ecommerce store you have very few products and this in a marketplace (fishing) which is laden with so many. It looks bare basically.

      Also come up with a brief on what you are looking for, think of the top 5 sites in your industry that you like and detail what you like and dislike about them. From these points you can come up with a base idea on what you are after. Your designer can then fill in the gaps.

      Self designing and learning how things work is not worth the time it takes if it is to be a one off, that time is much better spent broadening product ranges and identifying new product ranges to introduce. Look for a niche of your own. By all means have a go at designing your own site, but if you fail or don't get things as you want them, be brave (exactly like you have) and admit it and get someone in to do it. Many people are put off having a web designer do their site, they can't justify the cost, yet almost all of the time the designer will create a better and more successful site, which will easily cover his/her costs in the first 12 months.

      The inputting of products is relatively easy, however correct seo on their sections is as important and not to be overlooked. It all depends on your budget and what somebody can do for that to help you, this is the usual stumbling block on sites as the software gives the impression that web design is easy.

      If you put 10 home made sites, next to ten professionally well built sites, i'd be happy to spot at least 8 of them quite easily, that's not a coincidence but often overlooked.

      Good luck.


        Originally posted by leehack
        For an ecommerce store you have very few products and this in a marketplace (fishing) which is laden with so many. It looks bare basically
        Thank you for the constructive comments.

        In respect of not much being on my site this is true. I recently removed 200 lines from the site and listed them on Ebay, I have sold more stock on Ebay in one month than I have sold on Actinic in 14 months however Ebay is not the way I want to go.

        So now the search is on for a good developer



          A lot of people start on ebay Nigel and slowly move off it over time. Some retain an ebay shop even when their website is very successful. A lot depends on margins, people selling off kitchen tables can be so cheap, sometimes it is just not worth all the hassle for such a small profit. There are many lucrative areas on ebay though and if you've found one, certainly stick with it. Make sure in your auctions that you mention your online shop, hope to entice people off ebay for their next transaction etc.

          I would never personally recommend to move anything off your online store and into ebay alone, your online store should always have more for sale than your ebay store IMO. If ebay is selling better currently, then fine, but also leave them in your online store, unless these are specific one offs where you will only ever have one.

          I think the most refreshing part of your posts is your honesty, i like that it's a very good sign for the future. Get yourself a good developer and put a concerted effort into improving your site and in 6-12 months time you might just be looking back at your posts and smiling.

          Very best of luck.

