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Shopping Basket template ...

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    Shopping Basket template ...


    I established some time ago which template creates the Shopping Basket page,

    I also know that the width spanned by the layout is 300px, as i have this set ACTSTDWIDTH to 300px in Design Options > Site Defaults which suits my Section and Prodycts layouts perfectly.

    However it looks wrong in the Shopping Basket and Checkout Layouts.

    Question is, can I override it somehow?

    I was hoping to find A NQV:ACTSTDWIDTH and simply replace it with say 600px, but no luck all I get is


    Any ideas on setting the width of the Shopping Basket Page and the columns indicating the pegged items?

    Oh and while we are at it my site colours are pastel reds, butt he Basket headers are Dark green, how do I change these ?

    Attached Files
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    I always try and have at least 600px for the ACTSTDWIDTH, as standard across the whole site, this setting relates to the overall width on the inner layout. If you have shrunk that down to 300px somehow and managed to shoe horn it all in, i'd be very impressed. I am yet to meet a streamlined layout that does not break when it comes to the cart pages as it just requires too much width as standard though.

    If you currently have it at 300, yet you want it be 600 for the cart layouts, where is the extra 300 going to come from? You either have gaping space on your normal layout or you have no chance of squeezing it in, the layout will just break.

    However, you can specify a separate layout for the cart pages, so if you can make an extra 300 somehow by slimming the master layout down, you could have one for main shop and then one for your carts - it all depends on how you have it laid out and what you can do. To expand to 600, it will need the space to do so, you cant just set it and hope for the best, otherwise you will end up with a jumbled mess.

    Select your layouts in the template manager.


      My primary layouts are 3 colums setups.

      Left Column for Page Specific Header, Image and Text
      Middle for Page Content (300px set by ACTSTDWIDTH)
      Right Column for Advertising

      It all fits, but I hear you.... it was a challenge.

      However Checkout and Basket pages do not need all of that extra stuff. See the image attached to post #1

      I thought I could change the primary template for the checkout pages Act_CheckoutPrimary.htm, however there is only NQV's in this template, so I need to know what html pages these NQV's call.

      Do you know?

      Thanks, S.
      your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
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        There is a known bug regarding the cart colours being retained from previous schemes - I always resort to hard coding the cart colours on v7 sites.

        Not at a v7 machine but take a look for a template long the lines of Act_ShoppingCartXML.html (or similar wording .. def have the "XML" in there) ... as this may be what is constraining the layout.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Spot on!

          All sorted, also created CUSTOMVAR to manage width changes.

          Thanks, S.

          your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
          ... download once use as many times as you like !

