My site is using usernames and passwords a customer logs in and purchases the goods and just as they are about to complete the order they have to enter the password a second time? Any way to get rid of this?
This typically happens when customer is using a payment method such as Invoice with order, Payment on Account, etc.
To skip this, please try this workaround:
1. Open in a text editor, like notepad.
2. Find sub DisplayPage
3. Now find the following lines:
while ($nKeyCount == 0 &&
$nPageNumber >= 0)
my $sTempCookie;
4. Insert the following lines immediately after the above :
my $ePaymentMethod=
if ($ACTINIC::B2B->Get('UserDigest') && # if a
user is logged in and
($ePaymentMethod ==
$::PAYMENT_ON_ACCOUNT || # the payment method is pay on account or
$ePaymentMethod ==
$::PAYMENT_INVOICE) && ($nPageNumber ==
3)) {
$nPageNumber += $nInc;
The lines succeeding the above inserted lines must look like these:
($status, $sMessage, $pVarTable,
$pDeleteDelimiters, $pKeepDelimiters, $pSelectTable, $sTempCookie) =
# process the current page
5. Save, close the file and upload your site.
The customers will now no longer be prompted to re-enter their password before completing checkout. I have tested this on a default v7.0.6 site and it works for me.
However, the usual caveat applies to this suggestion. Before making any changes to the Perl scripts, please do take a back-up. If you wish to revert to the un-modified file, you can find it in C:\ProgramFiles\V7\Original, which you will need to copy into the Site folder.