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Actinic V7, Protx and Protocol 2.22

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    Actinic V7, Protx and Protocol 2.22

    I'm running Actinic Dev V7. FJBA which I beleive supports the PSP 2.22 protocol.

    I've had my Protx/Merchant account 3D secure enabled - though I've not turn on this facility yet.

    Do I need to do anything specific within Actinic or will simply turning on the 3D secure option in Protx be sufficient?


    hi smiffy,

    im at the same point. however i have turned on 3d with protx. this works ok. however, although the customer enters the information ok and its collected it will not be passed to protx unless updating to 2.22. im at the stage now that i need to know what to do with the commonOCC file which i need to upgrade to 2.22 - and any other file?. Unless Acitnic have done this for us? Basically within this file we need to pass the 3d info collected over to protx.

    Actinic - is this file available as a download? i am not confident in editing the code myself.

    Anyone - has anyone editing this file to upgrade to 2.22?

    Quote from Protx:
    "3D Secure will work with the old protocol (2.20) as the customer is being passed to our server to enter their card details which we will verify and check for 3D Secure but it is not 100% supported, hence the information within the email notifications displaying the incorrect information. Only with the latest Protocol (2.22) will 3D secure be fully supported and accurate results/information be handled."


      The file is available to download at this thread.. . It is simple to setup, a read of that thread will give you all the information you need.

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King


        Thanks Bruce - that thread was where I started. I've now upgraded to v7.07 so is that it?

        I'd just assumed that I might need to turn something on in actinic too.



          thanks for the reply but i get an error when trying to download:

          "Could not initialize installation. File size expected=475420, size returned=148769"

          i currently have actinic V7. FJBA


            i have now upgraded to v7.07. however looking in the file it shows the version as 2.2 not 2.22.

            looking in the downloads section of the actinic site shows upgrades available for payment gateways (protx 2.22 is specifically mentioned) but these are all for actinic v6 or previous.

            bruce, does this appear confusing to you?


              bruce, i also downloaded the psp file upgrade you referred me to earlier in this thread. however the has not updated it is still the 2.2 version created on 15 august 2005


                Ok, will check and re-upload a new one for you all to download. Give me some time as i will have to find one for you, being at home kind of restrains access

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King


                  Hi Paul,

                  v7.0.7 should have this protocol by default, it appears from v7.0.6 onwards... if you open with notepad and run a find for 'VPSProtocol', you should see this line of code..
                  $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"VPSProtocol\" VALUE=\"2.22\">\n";
                  You are referring to
                  # Adapted for PROTX VPS Version 2.2 by Mat Peck - 27/05/2002
                  at the head of the script. A note should perhaps be added just below to indicate that it has been adapted for v2.22, I will pass that on to the team.

                  Kind regards,
                  Bruce King



                    I've recently upgraded my developer to V7.0.7 - but ONLYthe site which I created with v7.0.7 has those lines of code. The sites which have been upgraded though the upgrade wizard don't have v2.22 only v2.20

                    $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"VPSProtocol\" VALUE=\"2.20\">\n";
                    Is that sufficient?


                      Check with the Perl scripts in the 'OCCUpgrade\CommonOCC' folder. If these say 2.22 then it's probably a good idea to manually upgrade the ones in your site folder to say the same.


                        Thats only v2.20 too.


                          I would just make the change to the current scripts you have, then upload and place a test order. If there's a problem you can always change it straight back.


                            Sorry to be asking stupid questions here - it's just i'm realy wary about changing stuff on a live site.

                            So should I copy the two protx files from the site1\CommonOCC folder that has v2.22 into the

                            \Actinic V7\OCCUpgrade\CommonOCC

                            or into




                              hi all,

                              ive just moved the file from OCCUpgrade to CommonOCC and done a test which seems ok. i didnt know i needed to move the file after upgrading as i thought it would sit in the correct folder after upgrade - i couldnt have read the instructions properly!!!

                              smiffy, make sure you copy the 2 lines of code referencing your protx password and email confirmation address from your existing file in CommonOCC to your new file you will place in CommonOCC from OCCUpgrade

                              you mention 2 files. i only moved 1 file: which other file are you referring to and why does it need moving?

