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Adwords And Natural Search

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    Adwords And Natural Search

    Morning all

    We have been using Google Adwords for just over one year now and have been slightly dissapointed with the response that it has generated. We have decided to slightly reduce our use of Google Adwords but before i take action i have a question about how Google Adwords affects your natural rankings.

    Obviously when you use Adwords you no longer appear on the natural search as you cannot appear twice ont he same page can you? (we tend to appear at no.3 on the first page for our keyword natural soap when paying)

    How long once I have reduced the adwords budget will it take for Google to naturally start showing us in the natural search. Do i have to resubmit to google?? i wouldnt have thought so.

    i may be getting the complete wrong end of the stick here or maybe the wrong stick entirely so if anyone can set me straight that would be great.

    Michael Houlden

    Pure Thoughts Soap Company

    Luxury Handmade Soap, Bath Treats, Skincare and Gifts.

    You can appear on the front page in both adwords and natural search at the same time. I just checked on one of my keywords and my site does appear in both the natural search and adwords results.

    The one thing to watch for is that reputedly Google can count adwords on its content partners as links to your site. So if you use the content partners for your adwords then your natural search results may drop a bit when you switch it off.

    Other than that adwords and natural search results are unrelated.

    For me this isn't an issue and I don't use the adwords content partners as the results just aren't worth it.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      You can appear twice on the results page - I've seen this numerous times. I don't believe G stops your natural listing because you're paying for Adwords. There are those cynics who think the opposite - that when you stop paying for Adwords then your naturals drop.

      The only influence I think there could/should be is when you have selected to have your G ads hosted on other sites as they can then be indexed as incoming links.


        Thanks for the response guys,

        Knew i had the wrong end of the stick.

        Just got to get my head around SEO now. Its amazing the difference between my rankings for SEs like MSN and yahoo and the mighty Google. Going to set to it now with a strong coffee and try and read all the posts knocking around on this forum. The help that you get from here is absolutely tremendous and im not sure if i would be anywhere with Actinic without this forum,

        Sorry im not good enough to be of help to many people. Maybe one day!!

        thanks again
        Michael Houlden

        Pure Thoughts Soap Company

        Luxury Handmade Soap, Bath Treats, Skincare and Gifts.

