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How do I get rid of the section drop down menu.

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    How do I get rid of the section drop down menu.

    Hi There,
    At the top right hand side of my web site I have a drop down menu, which covers all the store sections. How do I get rid of it.

    Also my shipping costs are not right, can someone advise me how to set up the shipping in a drop down menu the moment someone purchase a product. At this moment the default is set at 2-3 days, I want to give people a choice.


    The drop down menu was probably included via the instructions in the AUG, just work through these in reverse, but take a snapshot first.

    As for shipping, probably best to have a read of the help within actinic, it is very good and helpful and explains it very well. That should get you familiar with the way it works, after that if you are still struggling, let us know what you have done, either text or preferably screenshots and we can point you in the right direction to correct it.



      Hi There,
      Thanks for will check out the drop down menu. As regards the shipping I hase followed the AUG but still get the smae problem. detialed below. Screenshot of shipping attached.

      The problem with the shipping is that I have set up 3 shipping costs on weight. 1. is Special Delivery, 2. is next day by carrier, 3 is 2-3 days by carrier. I have set the prices by weight, its just that when a product is ordered, it automatically selects special delivery. Then when i proceed to check out, then it gives the option to change it to next day or 2-3 days by carrier. Is that the way it should work. I would have thought it would give the option from adrop down at the checkout stage where the customer details are placed.

      Kind Regards



        No screenshot attached.

        If you place a test order on your site and select a different shipping method to "special delivery", you will find that is selected the next time you place an order, it is basically remembering what you chose last time and choosing the same for you this time, UNLESS you change it.

        If you want to change the order in the drop down box, offering cheapest first, this is possible and is 100% definitely documented in the forum, what it is under i have no idea, it will be V7 and it was probably 18 months ago i read it. It involves a script amendment.


          Hi There,
          Ok thanks for that.
          You wouldnt happen to know the code to block out the drop down menu would you. It doesnt Appear to be clear in the help files what code to use.


            If it is a drop down box having been added to the site through the AUG, then no help will find it. The tutorial that teaches you to add this to your site, just needs to be done in reverse to get rid of it, there will be no tutorial for that. It is an extra and added manually by the user, to get rid of it you just reverse the process used to put it there in the first place.


              Hi Lee.
              Your correct it wont be in the AUG as it is part of the standard curve template within Actinic. Not been added by me. It is 2 years since I last did any work within Actinic, I know from before there was a peice of coding that one could input to hide various things In Actinic including the secion drop down menu, just cant remember what it is.



                Ah commenting out you are referring to i think, for that just wrap the following around the code you wish to hide:

                <!-- CODE HERE -->


                  Hi Lee,
                  Thats what I meant. Great stuff. Thanks for that.

                  Kind Regards

