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General Script Error - Help!

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    General Script Error - Help!

    I've been getting phone calls and emails from people saying they are having problems placing orders. They go to checkout, add their address details and then get the following error:

    A General Script Error Occurred

    Error: The site configuration has been updated by the shop operator while you are checking out. Please navigate back to the product pages by pressing the Browser Back button and try again or contact the site owner.

    Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

    I haven't been doing updates when people get these errors. They don't happen all the time - I get orders through and then sometimes get these calls. Just tried to place an order myself and got the same thing. Tried again and it went through.

    Can anyone tell me is this likely to be an Actinic problem or something I should go to my hosting company with?


    Kathy Newman

    Hi Kathy;

    I have been on your site and placed a dummy order; the reference number is: ASPORT20000625 without any errors.

    Its possible that you may have an issue with the amount of memory that is allocated for the perlscripts. This should be set to 16Mb. Please could you check with your hosting company on this.

    This will explain why the problem is happening intermittently

    Please have a look at the following article from our Actinic Knowledgebase

    Hope this helps
    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Thanks for that - I contacted our hosting company regarding the space for the perl scripts and their reply was:

      We do not limit the memory usage of Perl on our servers. So you may need to check for other reasons.

      So - any other suggestions?

      Kathy Newman



        Check out

        I think this could be a number of things - I have had similar problems and they have been (seemingly so far) resolved by (1) upgrading to 6.1.3 (not sure what you're using) and (2) following the advice re the Norton problem.

        Good luck!

        Nick Dobson
        Fighting with sellerdeck on

