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Site may not be running propperly

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    Site may not be running propperly

    The site i have put together has been up a running fine for about two months, our server providers where moving thisngs around there end and did not copy files over properly or something.... After a long battle we were able to get the site up and running one more....
    we placed a few orders ourselves and it appeared to work ok......

    It has now been a month since this has happened and we have not had a single order come through. Well we have not had any mails come through so if an order is automatically deleted after a set time we have lost them ( i gues we just have had no orders....). we have put a few dummy orders through today and have not recieved a mail telling us we have new orders to download. but checking via actinic the orders have downloaded......

    sorry for that.... my question is if there a way to check if it all is running properly?

    many thanks for any reply.......

    place an order yourself, that is the best way to see if everything is working properly.


      thanks pinbrook, we have placed an order and the mails have not come through, something is up with the SMTP,

      i have done a search on the error message and found this thread with a similar problem.

      I have just spoken to our ISP who have given me a few SMTP teo try each one gives the same error.
      we also have our main site that is not working through Actinic which no longer dends the caontact form via mail form (or is it form mail?) when i click to send i recieve this mesage...

      (Error 500: Internal Server Error
      The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
      The problem is on the server side, not with your browser or the address. Most probably, a certain service (e.g., Tomcat engine) is down. Please contact your webmaster.)

      so i'm guesing its noting to do with Actinic. Thay have said that i should get in touch directly with actinic..... I'm unsure myself now of what to do.


        Two things... who is your ISP, and what SMTP have they advised you to use.

        500 internal error often means the script has incorrect permissions FTP to the script and change it to 755


          hi jo many thankis for your help, i have reaf many amusing threads with your name, some howling about repeated posts. was refreshing for a

          anyway, i have now managed to get the email working on our non-actinic site, i have tried to test the actinic one but no joy. i have tried to refresh and perge but site but still no joy, only have to go through all the perl scripts now and make all those modifications once more.

          Our smtp was < > but they now have said that its defenantly < > which i have tried and still no luck. micromart is kind of our middle man as our host is actually a company that is called altaire. I have tried to do a search on both but again no joy... there are a few things that come up with altaire but seem to be from last year. none recent with this issue.

          is there anything else that i could try...


            Possibly try the IP address, that's solved a few unsolvables before.


              Our smtp was < > but they now have said that its defenantly < > which i have tried and still no luck. micromart is kind of our middle man as our host is actually a company that is called altaire.
              Hummm, I'm not sure if you are finding my posts amusing or if you think i an a tyrant for moaning about duplicate posting or people who fail to do a forum search before posting..... hopefully you are just laughing at me and my bad moods

              Anyway recent changes to email at Altaire means the following should help you, you can no longer mail relay through your provider's SMTP,

              Your shop domain is therefore this is the SMTP you have to use.

              SMTP is network settings should be and the email address in business settings must also be

              Do a network test with these settings. If the network test fails post the settings and the result of the test.


                hmmm i have not doubled checked yet but it does seem to have p passed.
                sorry ignore that i have just check and i have just recieved a mail from actinic.... who would thought a simpple mail could be so uplifting......

                cheers jo,

                oh and i found it amusing that the guy got all arsey and then had to grovel to your help.
                supprising taht our middle man did not give me this. I gues they still wanted to run via them. hmmmm!


                  i have reaf many amusing threads with your name
                  I seem to have that effect at the mo, I make people laugh or cry...


                    i have just noticed that from actinic the mail only works to another mail with,

                    I did think that the conformation email is sent either. Only to an eml email address.
                    Is this something to do with the incorrect SMTP or fingers crossed something else.


                      hi i have tried the good old localhost and it appears to be working for now,
                      Is there any bad points to usig this as my smtp name.?

