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Discount Wording

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    Discount Wording

    Hi, can anyone help?

    I have a discount of 5% to all customers if they buy over 100 items on all products. The message at the checkout is quite misleading

    ' Save 5% on all products by buying _ more'

    for example if a customer has ordered 45 gifts the message they get is ' Save 5% on all products by buying 55 more'.
    They think they will get a discount if ordering 55 and not 55 more gifts. Is there any way of changing the wording to for example ' Buy another 55 gifts and receive a 5% discount'?

    Not a major problem. If you would like to see the site it is

    Thank You


    Select the "Misc" sub tab within the "Web Site" tab, which is in the (design - text) drop down menu. Scroll right to the bottom of the list and you should see the current text you are using.

    Nice looking site.


      Thank You for that. I have done it so will see if it sounds a bit clearer when I upload.

      Reading your posts, you lot sound like you have a competition going, think I need to get moving to catch up 1947!!

      Thanks again. Will probably hassle you with more little problems


        Originally posted by Nicola
        Reading your posts, you lot sound like you have a competition going, think I need to get moving to catch up 1947!!

        Thanks again. Will probably hassle you with more little problems
        Jont has an automatic posting BOT, we are all doomed before we started.

        As for future problems, previous experience tells me that with a face like that, you will not be struggling to get any help. It's sad but true, pretty faces make men into eager helpful people.

        Try it out, post another problem and watch the rat race to help you. It's like a male prison in here, only know about 4 sheilas, a few more women to keep the place tidy and make it look nice will always be welcome.


          Thank You - that's the advantage of working in a male dominated area, one woman comes along and you all can't cope. Nice comments though. But you wouldn't want to see below the neck!!!
          Back to a more serious note.

          Do have another question. We have a sale shop and I would like to display the quantity in stock on the main page without going into each product. Is there anyway I can do this?



            There is a variable provided by actinic for this:

            <actinic:variable name="StockLevel" />

            You could include something like this into your code where you want it to appear:

            <p>Current stock level - <actinic:variable name="StockLevel" /></p>

