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minimum quantity order

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    minimum quantity order

    Is there a way to set a minimum order quantity on a product range?

    I would like to be able set the minimum quantity ordered from a product range to be 5 or more. You can order any 5 from that product group but if you only select 4 or less from that group it comes up with a message saying that the minimum quantity is 5 for that product range and only that product range.

    Any ideas ? Assuming that makes sence

    isn't it as simple as entering 5 into the "minimum quantity" box in the "Details" tab for the product?


      I don't think so unless I am missing something which is more than likely

      I want to be able to set the minimum order from a product group containing several products in that group and not just limit it to 5 off of the same product. See below for example:

      Product Proup Paper

      Papers "a, b, c ,d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o"

      What I don't want is for people to be able to order just one of the products eg "a" or multiples of a product or different products eg "a, a" or "b, k, o"

      What I do want is to set it so that the minimum order number is 5 or more of any combination for the products in that group eg "a, a, b, g, h"

      Hope this makes more sense


        ahh..right..sorry, I misunderstood
        Dunno then LOL
        I'll let someone else take that one!


          Thanks for trying to help anyway


            I doubt this is possible. The minimum order quantity would have to be at least at product group level and there is no minimum order setting for a product group unless related to a discount or surcharge (as you have no doubt found out).


              Thats what I was scared of.

              Ho hum, I will just have to find another way around it.

              Thanks for your help anyway,


