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    Hi there,

    Due to SMTP security changes made by our hosting company (CLOOK) the standard issue v.7 Mail Form running from our Contact Us page no longer works.

    Basically CLOOK won’t now accept mail from anybody@anywhere,com which is essentially how customer enquiries appear to their system. As a consequence we can no longer receive enquires via this mechanism, though anybody making an enquiry still helpfully receives a confirmation saying that we have received their enquiry and will replying shortly!!!

    As a work around CLOOK have suggested that we set the From address to a valid email address on their server (ie one of the regular email addresses that we use) and then add a Reply-To header set to the address of the party making the enquiry so that we can then use this to reply to enquiries – which is after all the whole point of the exercise.

    From what I have read on this board I’m guessing that these changes would need to be made to the file, but would they need to be made anywhere else such as the file for instance?

    Now to the crux of the matter: not knowing any perl I was hoping that a very kind person might advise on exactly where in the script(s) to make these changes and what the appropriate syntax would be.

    Assuming our designated From address to be:

    Hope somebody can help.

    Many thanks


    I would take a quick look at this thread too, as it is the same problem but a different host, but only arose yesterday.

    Then I'd get on the phone to Actinic as they are probably going to have to make changes to the mailform to ensure it meets the higher level of security that hosts are now imposing.

    There is still a security loop hole in the v7 script that Actinic have known about for a good long time now and failed to repair.

    Personally I plug my own form into Actinic to bypass these problems. But for me this is historical as I did this when Actinic dragged their heels about removing he mailto link.


      Thanks for that Jo.

      Did you write your own replacement script, or did you use something off the shelf. If so, any recommendatons?



