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Error: The input is NULL

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    Error: The input is NULL

    Hi all,

    does anyone know what does that error mean and what might cause it:

    A General Script Error Occurred

    Error: The input is NULL


    Looks like the url is missing the settings that need to be passed to it. What have you changed or been working on?

    A search of the forum on 'Error: The input is NULL' will illustrate a number of different situations where this error occurs. With you having given the least information possible, probably best to work down the list of search results and work out which one is the closest (if not the same) as your particular problem.


      Error: input is null

      Sorry, but the thing is that I haven't done anything. I'm suspecting that somehting might have gone wrong with the server and to reset some rights or....who knows what else. It's not the MS problem because we've got that message in FF as well.


        This is what I get into the Order Manager:

        The web server returned an unknown response.

        Possible causes:

        You are attempting to download orders

        before uploading to the web site

        Incorrect CGI-BIN URL in the web site details

        Incorrect permissions on the CGI script on

        the server (UNIX servers only)

        Script corruption - could be caused by:
        Binaryftp transfer during manual installation


          Have you confirmed with your host that nothing has changed their end?
          Have you tried a network test to see if actinic is still happy with the settings provided and also the server settings?
          Did any of the search results in the forum mention anything similar?
          Have you checked the permissions on the said folders?

          It appears to be quite a generic error, if you have definitely not made any changes, i would tend to lean towards a server change or something has become corrupted. I'd compact the database and do a web refresh to start with and see what happens.


            They are on Order Manager so will not be able to update the site. A refresh is needed from the Upload side and if you could get a copy of the latest snapshot and import it, selecting not to overwrite orders, then you should be fine.

            If it is a server issue then its up to your host.

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King

