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Shipping method display problem

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    Shipping method display problem

    I have 2 options for shipping available to my customers - one is FREE LOCAL to local customers (cost set to £0.00), and the other is PAID BY CARRIER for non-locals. Customers choose which they want using the standard drop-down box. If the order is for over a certain amount, then the PAID BY CARRIER option also has a cost of £0.00, i.e. it too becomes free.

    The problem I have is that when someone non-local orders stuff above the threshold where the PAID CARRIER option becomes free, the drop-down box to select shipping option does not appear, and defaults to the FREE LOCAL option which is printed on invoices etc.

    The cost is correct but the message the customer sees is wrong, and confuses some. There appears to be no way (that I have found at least) to select which method is chosen by default. Even if the cost is FREE, I'd still like the customer to be forced to choose which option he/she wants, and for the correct message to be printed. Is this possible somehow?

    Version is Catalog 6.1.3 but it did this on earlier ones too.

    All input gratefully received.


    Fighting with sellerdeck on

    This is something that I have requested before and I think that it is on the wishlist.

    There does not seem to be anyway to tell Actinic what the default Shipping Method should be. It selects the cheapest available for the location. In your case it looks as if there is a second rule in operation where the second method (also free) does not overrule the first free method.
    Chris Brown


      6.1.4, guys?

      Fighting with sellerdeck on


        No - it will not make it into 6.1.4, It will hopefully make it into the next major release


          Any idea (ballpark) when 6.1.4 will be with us Chris?
          Martin Smith
          <a href="">Web Design Cornwall</a>


            .. and does "major release" mean 6.2 or 7?

            Fighting with sellerdeck on


              As a short-term workaround, I have set the FREE LOCAL shipping cost to £0.01 - which is still incorrect, but at least it means that the great majority of customers - who are not local - will see the correct message on their orders.

              Fighting with sellerdeck on


                ...except that didn't work. I tried placing a test order, with a value above which the PAID BY CARRIER option becomes free, and yet the FREE LOCAL (£0.01) message was still displayed. So I will change it back for now...

                Ideas, anyone?

                Fighting with sellerdeck on


                  The problem I have is that when someone non-local orders stuff above the threshold where the PAID CARRIER option becomes free, the drop-down box to select shipping option does not appear, and defaults to the FREE LOCAL option which is printed on invoices etc.
                  This actually sounds like your 'PAID CARRIER' is set up wrong. When the drop-down list does not appear, it is because there is only one valid shipping method - for some reason, 'PAID CARRIER' stops being valid over a certain cost threshhold.

                  Check your 'Excess' settings, and check they are set to 'Take the highest value in the table.'

