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Payment authorisations not downloaded

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    Payment authorisations not downloaded

    Since we upgraded to 7.0.5 a little while back, we no longer get the payment authorisations downloaded. The order itself is received OK and the problem is the same for both Paypal and Worldpay payments. We get a confirmation email from either Worldpay or Paypal so we know the payment has been made. Trouble is, Actinic never sees it. We now have to check each order manually and insert the payment when we see the corresponding payment email. Anyone else had this issue?

    Jill Craft

    Hi Jill,

    The upgrade shouldn't have caused this as PayPal and WorldPay don’t need their scripts to be manually edited.
    Just in case it is an upgrade problem can you go to Help | Trouble Shooting | Web Site Purge and Refresh - Check the two options and click Delete and Refresh (Please note the site will be down for the duration).

    However it could be a server side problem where the servers firewall is blocking the call back.

    Can you try the above and let me know how it goes?

    Toby Blanchard


      Since we upgraded to 7.0.5
      what did you upgrade from?


        Sorry, I got the version numbers confused. We upgraded from 7.05 to 7.07 and we've had this problem since then. According to our customers, they get a script error just after checkout so they're no getting redirected back to our site. I think that's why the payment confirmation never arrives.
        Jill Craft


          I'd go and remove the "Top 50 Crafters" image from the home page as it shows on everypage thereafter in exactly the same place. Some suspect coding there.

          Then do a compactdatabase and refresh the website, then place a test order again.
          Attached Files


            Hi Jo,

            We actually had these problems long before the Crafters Top 50 image was added. I don't see how that would cause script problems in the checkout either?

            We've had these script problems in the past and they just seemed to come and go which I assumed was because of something going wrong on the server. But now we're stuck with them permanently :-(
            Jill Craft



              It probably doesn't have an effect, but since it is bad coding its better to get rid of it anyway and sort out the problem with the checkout which is more important


                Originally posted by Toby B
                Hi Jill,

                The upgrade shouldn't have caused this as PayPal and WorldPay don’t need their scripts to be manually edited.
                Just in case it is an upgrade problem can you go to Help | Trouble Shooting | Web Site Purge and Refresh - Check the two options and click Delete and Refresh (Please note the site will be down for the duration).

                However it could be a server side problem where the servers firewall is blocking the call back.

                Can you try the above and let me know how it goes?
                Unfortunately that didn't help. We're now getting a 'session locked after init' message after the Paypal payment has been made. I don't think it's permissions as the acatalog folder is set to 777. Perhaps there's something else wrong on the server side?
                Jill Craft



                  Have you compressed the database and done a site refresh?


                    Originally posted by pinbrook
                    Have you compressed the database and done a site refresh?
                    We're doing that now. What difference does the database compress make?
                    Jill Craft



                      Originally posted by pinbrook
                      Have you compressed the database and done a site refresh?
                      That's complete now and we still have exactly the same problem. I've also tried increasing the script number in Network Settings and refreshing and that didn't help either. We've tried everything, I can only assume there's a problem with our Pinbrook hosting. We've had this for weeks now and it's making customers uneasy when an error occurs and the manual followup processing for the payment is making our job much harder. It's so frustrating!
                      Jill Craft



                        Is there any way you can redreate the error and post the actual error message here

                        According to our customers, they get a script error just after checkout so they're no getting redirected back to our site.


                          Originally posted by pinbrook
                          Is there any way you can redreate the error and post the actual error message here
                          Yes, we put an order through with Paypal as the payment option. We got past the screen where payment is confirmed and then when waiting to be redirected back to our site, this message was shown.

                          A General Script Error Occurred

                          Error: ../acatalog/87Z81Z179Z95A1174672149B24222.session can not be locked during Session init!
                          Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner
                          Jill Craft



                            I've check all the permissions on the folders/files they are all correct, I am pretty sure this is not hostingrelated.

                            I've also researched all the other threads talking about the same problem and assuming the issue is not host related it points to paypal.

                            Error: ../acatalog/87Z81Z179Z95A1174672149B24222.session can not be locked during Session init!
                            solutions include;

                            1 Trouble shooting Menu website purge and refresh
                            2 copy all pl and pm files from original folder and refresh
                            3 change scriptid and refresh
                            4 reinstall psp module, refresh


                              Originally posted by pinbrook
                              I've check all the permissions on the folders/files they are all correct, I am pretty sure this is not hostingrelated.

                              I've also researched all the other threads talking about the same problem and assuming the issue is not host related it points to paypal.

                              solutions include;

                              1 Trouble shooting Menu website purge and refresh
                              2 copy all pl and pm files from original folder and refresh
                              3 change scriptid and refresh
                              4 reinstall psp module, refresh
                              Tried all of these solutions and the problem is the same. It's worth mentioning that payments through Worldpay have exactly the same problem as Paypal ones. They fail with a script error when the shopper clicks to return to the store. That suggests something on the hosting side although I can't think what it would be :-(
                              Jill Craft


