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Website problems

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    Website problems

    I mailed on here a few weeks ago regarding our website. The Actinic program is stored on one computer in our office and a few months ago the files were transferred onto a new PC. People on here have told me it was not done correctly, hence we suffered a great deal of problems.

    Please see this link for my original post:

    We then as a company decided to have a new website built and the team doing that took our FTTP info and took our site down and left a page there explaining we were having a new site built. In the meantime our MD was not happy we were losing so much business so a friend of the company who knows Actinic took our details and spent hours on Friday loading our site so it was on the website... that worked and without really knwoing what they did....... they managed somehow to get the site back up and running. All was fine! I checked it over and everything was as it should be!

    I cam into work this morning and the website has reverted back to months ago and is very much out of date.

    As mentioned in the link above someone stated that maybe they are pages in our folders that the site reverts too, does anyone know if this is something that can happen?

    I am the person in charge of admin on the site but no very little about Actinic or how the web works. My manager seems to think it could be somethign to do with our host? Could this be possible? So any help or advice offered would be fantastic.

    Thanks guys!

    Sounds like a compact database and website complete deletion is in order, followed by a purge and refresh.

    If your MD was not happy with the site being taken offline, why have the company you have employed been allowed to do this? Is nobody in touch with them explaining that you wish to remain open on the website? Have you contacted them and explained that you want the website running, while they are building?

    I've never heard of an existing site having to be taken offline while a new one is being built, unless it is so atrocious that this is the only sensible way of working.

    Contact your designers and do the above steps in the first paragraph, that should get you back working again.


      The website was taken down as it was not up to date and we were experiencing the problems as outlined in my previous post on the forum. We had so many orders for out of stock items it was becoming a nightmare. So we took the site down and replaced it with the page explaining we were having anew site built.

      Then the site was put back online and was running pefectly as of Friday. After futher investigation this morning it seems the site was changed on Saturday at 10:50pm and nwo shows old stock and none of our current stock is showing!

      It is all very confusing! I am now on the phone as I type this to our website host who is investigating whether changes were infact made from a different IP to mine.... as another theory is we could have a hacker.

      I believe it to be some problem with the Actinic software itself.

      What a carry on!


        If it is an actinic problem, that will be your best news yet. Some housekeeping and all should be sorted. I'd completely wipe the server and do the housekeeping mentioned to actinic. That solves at least 95% of problems usually.


          Do you know what this means?

          An error occurred while merging the files on the remote site Error copying from "from" file

          This happened when i tired to upload the site.


            Originally posted by Mich81
            This happened when i tired to upload the site.
            If you are going to get fatigued doing it, expect actinic to do the same .

            Have you done the housekeeping previously mentioned?

            Have you tried a network test to confirm all is ok?


              I dont have a clue how to do all this stuff so its best if I dont!


                Why dont you get in touch with someone who knows about Actinic and pay them to sort it out - its got to be cheaper in the long run.


                  I got in touch with them as soon as we epxereicned problems and they said there was a problem with the version of Actinic we had and there was no fix for it. So whether our problems stem from this I dont know. I have contatced them today so hopefully we should find out soon whats going on.

                  Cheers for the help guys


                    Originally posted by Mich81
                    I got in touch with them as soon as we epxereicned problems and they said there was a problem with the version of Actinic we had and there was no fix for it.
                    Sounds like you are being blagged to me.


                      I am now dealing with a different person there so maybe I migh get someplace with them!

                      Fingers crossed


                        Just make sure they know what they are doing with Actinic, it is not something you pickup in 5 minutes. Make sure you are not their test case.


                          i am in touch now with Actinic tech support...

