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Actinic please stop ignoring Google Checkout

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    Actinic please stop ignoring Google Checkout

    this wont go away so please stop blatantly ignoring it just because you love paypal so much , if its a problerm google end let us know and we will email them because unlike actinic , google actually always answer there emails quickly

    Shame on you Actinic , am I alone in having this opinion?????????????


    On a mission Gavin? You've left a few forums out.


      Yes I am on a mission

      lol, do you work for Actinic Lee???, and yes I am on a mission , It annoys me that just cos Actinic have a kooshty little deal with Paypal that we have to suffer , I use Paypal but only because we sell on Ebay other than that I cannot stand Paypal and I dont feel any loyalty/affinity to them at all !Q


        LOL no i don't work for them. I was waiting for an upload to finish and was picturing you frothing at the mouth, was just making me laugh while i waited.

        GC is the hottest subject i've ever seen on here, i think it has snowballed somewhat and appears to be more desired than it actually is. However, if anyone genuinely thought that it would be released to the UK and actinic would have it available shortly after, they were naive at best.


          and why is that do you think , I think they have a deal with Paypal , prob a freemason like handshake under the table wink wink deal , not to glorify any other payment providers .

          I remember when google brought out adwords and alot of people thought that was a crazy idea , plus i like google , yes they are a monster but at least they answer there customers emails.


            The big wig has been on and explained the issue, i'd be amazed if it happens before the £10 offer is finished, it's just one of them things i'm afraid. If you use actinic because you thought it was at the cutting edge, i think you was mistaken. Actinic is like your friendly grandmother with biscuits and tea when you go round, not the ruthless stockbroker that lives in the city.

            To implement GC seems to need a complete overhaul of the checkout. Many people have asked for this to be overhauled for months if not years. Its obviously a much bigger job than we think as that is probably the second most requested change that has yielded nothing to date.


              Given that GC is a standalone checkout in it's own right, shouldn't it "simply" be a matter of passing a total cost and some product variables from the shopping cart to GC? I just don't see why there should be a huge amount of work involved, particularly as other e-commerce packages have already managed it.

              Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


                As mentioned before in other threads by just passing order info to GC then payments would always be 'payment pending' in Actinic - you would have to check in GC to see which order had been payed then manually update Actinic.


                  In case you haven't seen it already, there's a big thread at where the Google Checkout discussions are focussed at the moment. Please feel free to continue this discussion there.


                    Originally posted by drounding
                    As mentioned before in other threads by just passing order info to GC then payments would always be 'payment pending' in Actinic - you would have to check in GC to see which order had been payed then manually update Actinic.
                    That's right - but, as has also been mentioned, that is absolutely no problem to me and, I suspect, many others. If this is a quick solution let's go for it.

                    Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


                      Unfortunately, this approach goes against Google's terms and conditions as thye say you can only use Google Checkout if the whole checkout process was actually initiated in Google Checkout. This means you can't just pass stuff to Google right at the end of the checkout.


                        Chris - the idea would be to pass the contents of the cart to GC right at the start, not at the end of the Actinic checkout.

                        Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


                          Exactly - just go to GC when you click checkout. Order recon would be done manually. This is good for an interim sloution and I believe what many people would want.


                            Originally posted by leehack
                            The big wig has been on and explained the issue
                            Id disagree, Id say he came on and blatently lied about the whole situation.

                            if Google do cave in and end up giving you a kickback for registrations I'll be surprised to say the least. They arent in the habit of backing down to people even when there are $billion lawsuits at stake and lets face it, you arent the Chinese governement with the promise of a billion customers.

                            In the big scheme of things, they probably care more about their next novelty logo for valentines day than they care about whether or not your cart uses their checkout.

                            Do you think the world will drop Google to use Actinic, or do you think the world will drop Actinic to use Google? If it was the former then your stance would be understandable. Since in the real world the latter is the case I think you are having delusions of grandeur.


                              Originally posted by alewis
                              Id disagree, Id say he came on and blatently lied about the whole situation.
                              Thats a bit strong, can you place a reference point to this allegation? This would at least allow feedback and reply from the guys concerned.

                              if Google do cave in and end up giving you a kickback for registrations I'll be surprised to say the least. They arent in the habit of backing down to people even when there are $billion lawsuits at stake and lets face it, you arent the Chinese governement with the promise of a billion customers.

                              In the big scheme of things, they probably care more about their next novelty logo for valentines day than they care about whether or not your cart uses their checkout.

                              Do you think the world will drop Google to use Actinic, or do you think the world will drop Actinic to use Google? If it was the former then your stance would be understandable. Since in the real world the latter is the case I think you are having delusions of grandeur.
                              This is clearly being blown out of all proportion IMHO.

                              GC is not the great deal breaker....if a site does not offer it, do you seriously believe that your customers will walk away?

                              If a client leaves a store without buying it is because

                              a the prices are too steep
                              b they do not have faith in the store/company
                              c the store is badly presented
                              d the store has popped up overnight and has no confidence boosting info (similar to b but you get my point)

                              If you think your business needs GC to succeed then I would look at your career options very carefully.

                              Let Actinic address the issues close at hand first, add the feature to the wishlist and confirm its viability (dev costs vs potential revenue), is that not the way they should react. If enough people add it to the wishlist then they will react accordingly.

                              I have my own frustrations currently as do many, but I can assure you that GC is way down my hitlist.

                              Come on guys, calm down, its only a commercial...I mean gimmick that the big G are using in their personal war against PP and eB$y

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