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HELP On Inserting Images

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    HELP On Inserting Images

    Hi, I am using v7 smart theme and i would like to inset an image under some text in a fragment part, i put this code in <img src="new_product.gif" border="0" width="27" height="13" alt="New">. But i just get a red " x " in a box and not the image. Do i need to put in some text before where it says "new_product.gif", the image i want to use is in - site1. Do i need to put something like sites/site1/"new_product.gif". Many thanks for all your help. Anthony.

    2 things...
    1) have you uploaded the image "new_product.gif" through Advanced>Additional Files?

    2) Are you testing this on an offline site preview? It won't work. As long as the file is uploaded either as above or, I guess, directly to your webspace, it'll only work to view it online not using an offline preview.


      Originally posted by budgetbumps
      2 things...
      1) have you uploaded the image "new_product.gif" through Advanced>Additional Files?

      2) Are you testing this on an offline site preview? It won't work. As long as the file is uploaded either as above or, I guess, directly to your webspace, it'll only work to view it online not using an offline preview.
      I yes i am testing this on an offline site preview as i am still building the site, so untill i am actually up and running i won't be able to see the picture then. thanks.


        If you switch to test can upload everything that has been done so far to a test folder created by actinic, which means the site can be viewed online without being "live". This means you can check and correct things like broken images earlier in the development process to save a mass correction job later on.

        Alternatively, putting the appropriate images into the preview folder will also allow them to be viewed when in preview mode (make sure you do not reference this folder in the src="" attribute though, as this will not work online).


        Ladies Swimwear

