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Bounce Rate

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    Bounce Rate

    Hi All
    I have been looking at Google Analytics recently and it is showing a bounce rate of approximately 70% for my site. I believe this is high although am not in possesion of anything other than gut feeling. I believe my ads and landing pages are accurate, prices are competitive, website is reasonably professional looking....does anyone have any thoughts on whether I should be concerned.

    Kevin Akers

    Where are the bounces from? Are they from the checkout or the site as a whole? If from the checkout then that is cause for concern.. if it is from the site as a whole then you are doing very well to convert 30% of visitors.

    I expect a lot of the bounces will be people seeking information about various issues... I see from some of the pages I visited you have quite a wealth of info on there that can inform people without having to make a purchase... which is great in terms of SEO (and free advice) but obviously this attracts people just seeking knowledge. You have to hope they will book mark you and return to order at a later point.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

