Hi there,
I have finally got my site up and am very happy with it
When i entered text into the quick search box and hit the go button i got a cgi error.
A General Script Error Occurred
Error: There is no valid input parameters for the script! Check the referencing HTML code!
Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner
How can i fix this?
After i got this error i got actinic to create the scripts and uploaded ca000001.pl as this was the one that caused the error. But it didn't make any difference.
Cheers and Thanks,
I have finally got my site up and am very happy with it

When i entered text into the quick search box and hit the go button i got a cgi error.
A General Script Error Occurred
Error: There is no valid input parameters for the script! Check the referencing HTML code!
Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner
How can i fix this?
After i got this error i got actinic to create the scripts and uploaded ca000001.pl as this was the one that caused the error. But it didn't make any difference.
Cheers and Thanks,