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$callbackurluser adding an Ampersand with Secure Trading

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    $callbackurluser adding an Ampersand with Secure Trading

    We are having trouble with Actinic inserting an ampersand at the end of a URL when sending the $callbackurluser to Secure Trading.

    ie. The $callbackurluser link ends with "" and it should be "" - WITHOUT THE AMPERSAND at the end.

    This means that when a customer tries to view a receipt they get a 404 file not found error.

    I can't see anywhere in Actinic settings where I can change or edit the $callbackurluser link

    Has anyone else experienced something similar?


    I think you need to correct success.html and failure.html.

    success.html needs to use the link...

    <a href=$callbackurluser><FONT size="+1">Return to Website and receipt</a>

    To return to the receipt page.

    failure.html needs to use the link...
    <a href=$callbackurlback><font size="+1">Return to Website</font></a>

    to return to the last check out page to re-select a payment method.

    You can use different methods to action the link, either as clickable links or META refresh. The important part is that the URL is $callbackurluser for success and $callbackurlback for failure.

    Incidentally, the default templates can be downloaded from the Secure Trading site, use the configure method for Secure Trading in Actinic to get to the right page.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King

