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Updating the shipping in the checkout

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    Updating the shipping in the checkout

    Is there a way of having an 'update' button on the 2nd page of the checkout? This is the page where the user can select a different shipping charge from the list. However, this new charge is not applied to the basket at the top of the page until the user goes to the next page.

    But this seems to be confusing some customers, who are expecting it to be updated and don't seem to want to continue until the correct charge is shown. (I have since added a note underneath, but this is not ideal)

    Can is an update button possible, or even better that the page refreshes when a new selection is made? Or that the user can select the shipping rate in the basket stage...?


    This has to be added to the wish-list, I will add a vote for you. It would require an online DB or some clever javascript / php to get this to happen. In the current scenario the script needs to execute (on clicking 'next') and recalculate the new choice and display it the cart on the next page.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King



      Is there any update on this yet?



        This is still on the wishlist for the same reasons mentioned above. I will add a vote on your behalf.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          Originally posted by Bruce
          This has to be added to the wish-list, I will add a vote for you. It would require an online DB or some clever javascript / php to get this to happen. In the current scenario the script needs to execute (on clicking 'next') and recalculate the new choice and display it the cart on the next page.
          I can see why getting it to update automatically (ie. when the selection is made) would require some fancy scripting - but why would an update button be so hard? You have one in the basket screen which updates the cart without going to the next page... what's the difference?

          ps. for the wishlist, a better solution would be to have the delivery charge in the basket so the customer can see the total cost before entering the checkout... and the basket screen already has the update button...


            If we can't have an update button then is it possible to put the shipping options on the first checkout page - checkout 0?

            It frustrates customers that they have to add all there details before they can see the total cost of the order

            Does anyone know how we get round this problem?



              Originally posted by EasySweets
              If we can't have an update button then is it possible to put the shipping options on the first checkout page - checkout 0?

              It frustrates customers that they have to add all there details before they can see the total cost of the order

              Does anyone know how we get round this problem?

              currently, the only real way to get the shipping in the cart (as opposed to the checkout) is to use the "request location information early" option (View, Business Settings, Ordering in V7..might be the same in V8 but my copy is uploading and I can't check!) but the problem with this is that you can't use this option if you use "Quantity on product pages" anywhere on site.

              If you use the "Quantity in cart" option on your WHOLE site then checking the "request location information early" box will prompt the shopper for their ( country) location when they add to cart and will automatically add shipping to the cart at this point rather than waiting til the checkout.


                Originally posted by EasySweets
                Does anyone know how we get round this problem?
                Have either FREE shipping or have a set price for shipping is the only way i know of. Both of these options are way up there on what people like to see on a site, see what you can do to make them happy.


                  Actinic doesn't allow me to select the request location information early box as its greyed out.

                  We have set our site to ship to the UK only! Is that why???

                  We also have quantity in product pages set up at the moment but I did try quantity in cart and it didn't change.

                  Free shipping isn't on the agenda at the moment either so unless you have any other ideas I will wait for the update button to be implemented

                  thanks everyone,


                    Originally posted by EasySweets
                    Actinic doesn't allow me to select the request location information early box as its greyed out.

                    We have set our site to ship to the UK only! Is that why???

                    We also have quantity in product pages set up at the moment but I did try quantity in cart and it didn't change.
                    The "request location information early" box will stayed greyed out until ALL references to "quantity on product pages" are eliminated.
                    It's a pain, trying to change it over. Chances are, you'd have missed one somewhere in your catalogue which is why it didn't "un-grey" when you changed the setting.

                    When I did it, it took me ages to trace down that last rogue "quantity on product pages" (which could be hidden in a section setting somewhere)


                      Flat shipping charge across the board? i.e. £4.95 whatever you buy.

