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    Dear Actinic Forum,

    I have an issue in Actinic 7, where the checkout page has some weird symbols appearing instead of £signs... It shows the dollar signs ok, but I can't seem to work out how to change the square symbols back to Pound Signs, and my designer has disappeared.

    I have attached a JPG print screen of this issue so you can see it. You can see the square symbols under Shipping and Handling - Delivery Method (bottom of page)

    Has anyone else ever come accross this issue or knows how to fix it? I really hope you can help me to fix it, as our current main checkout page looks pretty bad as a result. Take care and look forward to hearing from you.

    Best wishes,

    Jan (i-Sounds)
    Attached Files

    I just visited your site's checkout and it all looks fine to me so it's probably a browser issue.

    Try checking from another PC.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Cart displays incorrect symbol?

      Originally posted by i-sounds
      Dear Actinic Forum,

      I have an issue in Actinic 7, where the checkout page has some weird symbols appearing instead of £signs... It shows the dollar signs ok, but I can't seem to work out how to change the square symbols back to Pound Signs, and my designer has disappeared.

      I have attached a JPG print screen of this issue so you can see it. You can see the square symbols under Shipping and Handling - Delivery Method (bottom of page)

      Has anyone else ever come accross this issue or knows how to fix it? I really hope you can help me to fix it, as our current main checkout page looks pretty bad as a result. Take care and look forward to hearing from you.

      Best wishes,

      Jan (i-Sounds)
      Works fine here too

      OT, you may want to elaborate on your titles when you post, as HELP will not HELP anyone searching for a similar issue...see my title for a clue

      Oh, and welcome to the forum.
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        Checked our checkout page again...

        Hi olderscot & LOS Design,

        I just updated the subject, thank you for your suggestions. However, I have just checked out our checkout page again in Firefox, and this time, instead of a £sign appearing or a square symbol, it shows the shipping price with a "?" before it (where the pound sign should be).....

        It is only after you enter the country though, it is the next page after that. Could I ask a favour and ask you to try it again, but enter a country this time? Then tell me if it still views ok? Many thanks again for your kind advice.

        This is a great forum and it is really nice to be part of a community. Hopefully one day I will be expert enough to give something back im the way of advice!

        Best wishes,

        Jan (i-sounds)


          It also works fine for me in FF right into the checkout.

          could you also add the URL to your post when asking people to look at your site


            Jan - you do have a problem, but it is only as shown on your jpg, where the cost of shipping is shown in the shipping options - pounds show fine elsewhere. You will have entered this amount in business settings - I'd start by looking there - also the method you use for converting to dollars might be causing a problem when in brackets etc.

            Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


              Jan - I've looked in FF - you're right - in FF you see the wierd ? symbol, in IE you get the box. Actinic is chucking a weird symbol out which is being interpreted differently by the two browsers. I'd still start with your conversion process and the fact that Actinic puts the answer in brackets.

              Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


                Hi Mark,

                Thanks for your response. I am really happy you can see the issue. The currency convertion I have used is the one in Actinic:

                Design>Options>Miscellaneous>Format £1.00 [US $1.98]

                The reason I showed Square brackets is because Actinic puts the shipping price in brackets anyway, so it was looking like this:

                Shipping (£1.00 ($1.98))

                ...Which I thought looked worse than this.....

                Shipping (£1.00 [$1.98])

                Do you have any suggestions as to how I can use Actinic's currency converter without these strange symbols appearing? Look forward to hearing from you Mark.

                Best wishes,

                Jan (i-sounds)


                  try using & # 1 6 3 ; (no spaces) for the symbol? (worked in geoclass untried in Act...)

                  will show this => £
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                    I'm not familiar with the currency convertor, but you seem to be doing the right thing - I would choose one of the other format options (say the first one "£/$") and refresh the site to see if it might be a glitch in Actinic to do with the brackets.

                    I'm struggling a bit if that doesn't work. Out of interest, what have you got in Design Options/Shop Defaults/Receipt Currency Label ? We have £.

                    I don't think this is relevant but it might be a long shot.

                    Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


                      Hi Mark,

                      Thanks for getting back. I tried changing the receipt page to £, but this didn't change anything. I then changed the currency format to £/$ as suggested, but it still shows the £pound sign as a square. Any other ideas?

                      LOS: I am not quite sure you what you meant in your post, could you re-iterate for a programming novice please?

                      Best wishes,

                      Jan (i-sounds)


                        Originally posted by i-sounds
                        Hi Mark,

                        Thanks for getting back. I tried changing the receipt page to £, but this didn't change anything. I then changed the currency format to £/$ as suggested, but it still shows the £pound sign as a square. Any other ideas?

                        LOS: I am not quite sure you what you meant in your post, could you re-iterate for a programming novice please?

                        Best wishes,

                        Jan (i-sounds)
                        Sorry Jan

                        The symbol £ is replicated using & # 1 6 3 ; (no spaces)

                        I will try inserting this into the 'symbol box' and see if it removes the display anomaly. But from what I can see, this will dictate the $ being the first choice currency displayed.

                        Make sense?
                        Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
                        Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


                          Jan - I'm out of ideas I'm afraid - it sounds like a possible glitch in the software. Hopefully someone from Actinic might be able to help.

                          Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


                            You might want to check your host as they may have changed things at thier end - the odd showing of the £ symbol has been posted before so a search will show some ideas.


                              A big Thanks!

                              Hi Everyone,

                              I just want to thank you all for your kind suggestions. I think I might have narrowed it down due to Malcolm's last post. We have our own dedicated server, and my cousin (who runs it for us) has just logged in and it was set to UTF-8, where Actinic likes ISO. It has not fixed the issue just yet, as all of our templates are on UTF-8, but we will change them over and report back as to whether it worked or not.

                              Even if it does not work, I really do appreciate all of your time. This is certainly the best online community I have ever been part of, and it is an honour to be part of it, so thank you all, have a great weekend!

                              Best wishes,

                              Jan (i-Sounds)

