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Help! My shipping costs have all gone wrong

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    Help! My shipping costs have all gone wrong

    Hi can somebody please help. Since upgrading to the V7.07 my shipping caclulations are all messed up.

    I caclulate based on weight. I have an item thats 6kg and it's set to NOT ship seperately. The cost to ship 6kg is $17 and capped at $20 for upto 18kg
    so I should be able to ship 3 of them for $20. Problem is Actinic is charging 3 X $17 postage when it shoud be $20.

    Anyone know what's wrong?

    Please ignore my previous post, I've fixed it! I had 5kg in the optimal package weight. I mesread what it did and thought you set the value to your prefured package weight. I've deleted the entry and it all works fine now.

