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Validity of permutations not working on duplicate products

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    Validity of permutations not working on duplicate products

    Hi - I have a problem with v7. and duplicate products and their colour/size permutations.

    If I order a mineral/18 permutation on this page (the original) it works correctly - it tells me it is out of stock.

    If I order it on this page (the duplicate) it tells me it is in stock and allows me to order it.

    When I look inside Actinic the valid box for this permutation is not ticked on both the original and the duplicate.

    The outstanding packing list for the duplicate product shows the product but no colour/size permutation.

    Neither the original or the duplicate have been modified since the duplicate was made.


    Can you check to see if clicking 'Reset Duplicates' option on the main product and then updateing the site, makes the duplicate treat this permutation correctly? If that does not help I would suggest raising a ticket with support

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Bruce - I have now registered this with the support team.

      I have "Reset duplicates" but to no avail.

      Since then other issues have come to light which seems to say my database is screwed.

      1. Go to this page choose colour: Kale Green and Size: XL and you get the error message

      Illegal component/attribute combination
      This happens on the original product and it's duplicate.

      2. Go to this page and choose colour:Zennor Blue and Size: 12 and it puts a size 14 in the cart.

      I have tried exporting the database and reimporting it into a new site to see if there were any errors as per but no problems were reported.

      I have tried purging the site and reloading it as per but again to no avail



        Is this the same issue you have with support at the moment?

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          Yes it is Bruce


            Just an update on this for anybody who encounters the same problem. My latest correspondence with Actinic:

            There were initalliy 3 problems which were:

            1. Choosing a colour/size combination gave the error message "Illegal component/attribute combination" on some original products and their duplicates.
            2. On some products a different colour/size was added to the basket than was chosen in the shop.
            3. Choosing a colour/size combination that was out of stock on an *Original* product told me it was out of stock. Choosing a colour/size combination that was out of stock on a *Duplicate* product added the product to the basket without any colour/size combination being displayed.


            I was told to upgrade from v7.06 to v7.07 and then to apply the patch supplied by Actinic (Ticket 113165)

            This resolved issues 1 and 2 but made issue 3 even worse. Issue 3 now does the following:

            3. Choosing a colour/size combination that was out of stock on an *Original* product or on a *Duplicate* product now adds it to the basket. See:


            for the original product and also

   for the duplicate product.

            Choose Mineral/8 and add the product to the basket. You will see that these out of stock products have been added to the basket for both the original and for the duplicate product. In the the basket you will see that no colour/size options are displayed for either.

            So the initial issue 3 was never resolved but it migrated into an even worse scenario after applying the patches. I contacted Actinic who asked me to open a new ticket (116738) as 113165 has been closed.

