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Missing Files when Uploading --> -->

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    Missing Files when Uploading --> -->

    Hi All,

    We're approaching the final herdles of site development, and to date have not experienced to many hitches... until yesterday.

    During development, everytime we make a change to the site, we upload it to the server so we can see it in action. However, since yesterday afternoon, we're experiencing a problem in doing this as all the files specified within the templates are not uploading.

    They're all located within the Site1 folder, and the HTML matches this fact. The files are also specified within the additional files list, so I am now at a loss.

    I have initiated communication with our hosts, but want to tick off as many possible reasons as soon as possible.

    Cheers in advance


    Files Not Appearing On The Server

    Having looked at the Server, I've noticed that Actinic does not (for some reason) upload all the specified files, including some raw actinic files..

    Any help greatly received..




      Please check that 'Generate CGI Templates' and 'Generate HTML and Search Files' is ticked in 'Design | Options'.

      Also, if Actinic thinks it has uploaded a file, it will not upload it again unless either it has changed, or you do a 'Web | Refresh Website' so it is worth trying this.



        Hi Chris,

        Cheers for the response..

        I've looked at the options you suggested, and they're fine (ticked).

        I've think i've actually discovered why our site stopped working:

        Basically, we we're told to root our site to /web/acatalog, which worked fine for the past two months. However, for some reason on Tuesday, it stopped.

        I looked around the hosts support files and discovered they suggested rooting the catalogue to ../acatalog - and not what we we're told by them originally.

        Having done this and completed a fresh upload, everything seems to be working fine except a scripting error I need to fix --> After clicking confirm / checkout now on the quantity page, I get a general script error... but i'll hopefully find out why :-)

        Thanks and Regards



          I get a general script error... but i'll hopefully find out why :-)
          If you get stuck, then post up a URL so we can take a look.

