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Actinic Link for QBooks + credit cards....

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    Actinic Link for QBooks + credit cards....


    I am using Qbooks 2003, Actinic Link (latest) and Actinic Buisness 6.1.3. I use PROTX as my PSP and Barclays Merchant Services (for this thread let's call them BMS)

    Everything works well and the export and consequent import of all my Completed orders in to QBooks again works.

    What I don't understand is what to do once the import has finished. If I have imported 100 transactions then these are held in the undeposited funds register, with a similar amount of Sales Receipts.

    I receive the relevant Credits for these invoices from BMS as well as their transaction charges as Debits on my bank account. I just don't know how to deal with it all!

    Many other of you must be in this situation and ALL help would be much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Jonathan Moss

    I'm not really an expert on the day-to-day running of QuickBooks - it may be worth seeing whether there are some Intuit forums about.

    From an Actinic technical perspective, you should find that the online payment data from Protx is stored within the 'Memo' field of the sales order in Quickbooks. This will include the authorisation code and the date that the payment was taken.

