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showing the steps in the order pages

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    showing the steps in the order pages

    I'd like to show customers when they go to the checkout how many steps (pages) they have to complete and show how far they've got. A nice user freindly feature.
    The way I thought I could do this was to add some simple graphics at the top of the page which would be highlighted or not depending on the page the customer was on.
    However because the pages are generated throught the cgi-bin and are not individual html pages I assume I cannot do this. Can anyone prove me wrong?
    Boxhedge New Media Design
    Design and development solutions for SME's.
    Tel: 0118 966 2786
    Examples of work can be found at

    This probably requires some tricky changes to - not for the faint hearted...

    But what a good idea!

    Could it be added to the wishlist?
    Chris Brown


      Alternatively, couldn't you just add different images at the top of Act_Order00.html, Act_Order01.html, Act_Order02.html and Act_Order04.html?

      These are the html templates that are used for the different stages of the checkout - and they can be found within your Site1 folder (and accessed via 'Advanced | Template Manager')


        Makes perfect sense, I'm just being a little blonde.
        One more question. What code would I need to make these images into links to the appropriate page?
        This could replace the back link so users can return to the page they wish with a single click rather than clicking the back button a couple of times.
        Boxhedge New Media Design
        Design and development solutions for SME's.
        Tel: 0118 966 2786
        Examples of work can be found at


          I still think that it is a good idea to generate/display the step number as this can vary.
          Chris Brown

