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Phantom Shipping Charges

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    Phantom Shipping Charges


    I'm trying to resolve problems with the shipping charges on our website here:

    I would like for there to be just one charge for UK customers of £7.99 and have put this info in the UK Shipping Charges screen (see attachment). However, at checkout the website has two other 'phantom' shipping entries that I would like to delete, but cannot find where they come from (see attachment).

    I have tried purging and refreshing the website as per suggestions to other threads on the forum, but to no avail.

    If anyone has had a similar problems and has found a solution, any help would be most appreciated.

    Thanks again
    Attached Files

    seems to be a handling charge..
    What's entered in your "handling" tab?


      Thanks for the reply. The handling screen is currently set up with the following:

      Charge: £0.50 plus an additional 50% of the shipping charge.

      As far as I can tell this is doing what it's supposed to. Still not sure where the extra shipping bands of 71p and 99p are coming from though!


        certainly looks a bit weird..have you tried compacting the shipping database and refreshing the site again?

        What was the shipping changed FROM? or is this a new setup?


          I've tried compacting both databases, purging and refreshing the website, but alas, to no avail.

          This isn't a new setup, the original shipping charges were changed from the default Royal Mail prices we'd imported - these didn't nearly cover our shipping costs so we are trying to change it to our flat fee of £7.99 (customers are charged this already if they order by phone or fax).

          If I delete the UK shipping band, the checkout says that there is no shipping band set up for my region. From this (I could be completely wrong) I am guessing it's pulling all three prices (including the two incorrect ones) from the UK shipping band, as without it there's no UK prices at all.

          Do you think it could be a corrupted shipping table? Is there an easy way to edit it manually, or to at least preserve the International Shipping Rates (quite a lot of data entry involved with them)?


            ahh it's still using the old shipping prices then and some hybrid variation of weight (as the shipping price does change according to products in the cart still...)

            Wish I could help but my knowledge is limited. It's obviously not working as set-up...but beyond that, I don't know!

            I'm afraid someone who knows something more than my basic knowledge will have to step in


              Can you change the display to show the shipping by zones rather than class and then pasting the image up again. It looks as if actinic thinks the UK zone has additional shipping classes.


              First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                Hi Mike

                Thanks for the reply. Please find picture attached as requested.
                Attached Files


                  Very strange as it does look as if there's only one class of shipping set up for the UK.

                  The only other thing I can think to check is that the 'UK' hasn't somehow appeared in any of the other zones. I doubt if this is the case as I'm sure your international rates are going to be more than the erronious amounts that appear.

                  So it sounds as if your shipping tables have bene corrupted. The best suggestion I can make is either to start again from a clean set or get actinic support involved. They might be able to take a look at the shipping tables in the database and delete the problematic bits.


                  First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                    Linked to the 'optimum package weight' possibly?


                      Originally posted by leehack
                      Linked to the 'optimum package weight' possibly?
                      I've tried changing this to '1' from '31.5' to see if it makes any difference, but unfortunately no luck.

                      I've also checked that UK doesn't appear in any of the other lists and am definite that it doesn't.

                      Is there a way to manually edit the shipping tables through something like Excel? I'd rather attempt it myself before getting Actinic Support involved - it gives me a bit of control in case things go wrong again.



                        You can edit the shipping tables manually, however we advise not to do it as it can cause you problems if you are not confident with databases.

                        If you wish to go ahead to check the shipping database yourself, make sure you take a backup/snapshot of your site. You then need to locate it from your local disk (wherever actinic is saved): C:\Documents and Settings\USER\My Documents\Actinicv8\Sites\Site1\ShipControl and open the .mdb file in MS access.

                        If you have no luck with the database, you may log a support query by calling into support on 0845 129 4848 (if you have a support contract) or emailing support (free) by filling in the registration form:

                        Hope this helps.
                        Natalie Omany
                        Actinic Online Technical Support


