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Problem with missing orders

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    Problem with missing orders


    We've had a problem with our online shop at:

    We use Protx for card processing. We received a 'protx VSP Order SUCCESS Confirmation' email a few days ago, but no related order confirmation emails. On downloading orders, that particular one came down as PSP-Pending, as normally happens when a customer abandons an order part-way through.

    However, checking on the Protx site, and subsequently via email with Protx, it seems the payment was indeed taken from the customer's card. Strikes me that there's a bit of a weakness in the system if genuinely processed orders are being reported as awaiting payment, and the consequences in terms of customer confidence are potentially pretty embarrassing. Having to log in and check every payment on the Protx site sort of defeats the object of having an automated system, too!

    Any suggestions?

    Robin Somes

    hmmm..tbh, it happens..
    rarely but very occasionally (with protx and Paypal, I've noticed)

    You'd only have to keep an eye on your PSP Pending tab AND your Protx emails though to ensure none are slipping through.

    I've had it happen maybe 3 as many years. Not sure why it does it but it doesn't appear to do it often anyway.


      PROTX Processing

      Not to take away from what been said, but I migrated from manual processing to PROTX about a month ago, we process about 10 orders per day online with PROTX and so far have had about 6 go into the pending box.

      I have noticed it seems to happen if I update my site while someone is in the middle of the checkout process (we've done a lot of changes this month and been updating several time per day).

      I also have the problem now, of not being able to print out a shipping note or invoice, which means currently my orders are sitting in the pending box, any ideas as to how I can overcome this would be helpful.



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        Have you been able to sort the these issues as yet?

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          I think we are experiencing a similar problem with our site.

          Over the last few weeks the number of orders has remained fairly average, but the number of order receipt emails received has been dropping steadily!

          I am nnow receiving approx 30% of the order receipt emails that i should be (when compared to the actual ammount of orders taken)

          My host company says that as i have no bounced emails to show them, they cannot replicate the problem and so will not even look into it.

          I have changed the destination email addresses a few times, even to different hosts with and without spam filters

          could this be a problem with the Actinic software?

          thanks guys



            Barry, if you mean the order confirmation emails that are sent to the customer when they place an order (and copied to you if set up that way) then these are only sent when the customer returns to the receipt page on your site.

            If the customer goes elsewhere after paying then the email doesn't get sent.

            Try placing a test order and see where you end up.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              thanks for the reply gents

              I have treid a few tests and receive the email every time (only selecting pay by cheque)

              if that is the issue (that people are not clicking on the Done button) then i wonder what has changed to make the numbers of people who do click it reduce by some 70% in the last few weeks, nothing has changed on that page

              any thoughts?


                And use an email address within actinic that belongs to the domain


                  ive tried many addressses, from the domain, gmail, yahoo, other domains, same result, no emails


                    thats why i suggested making sure you were using a domain one as some hosts will only let you send from the server using domain email.

                    if you could send from the server using gmail, hotmail etc etc then so could any tom, dick, harry spammer.


                      thanks Jo

                      What is interesting is that when i use both a gmail account and an address from the domain at teh same time, i get the same ammount if emails arriving at both acccounts

                      as the host company (fasthosts) are saying that there is no problem with them, could it be a problem with the Actinic software?

                      a strange one this....

                      btw i am now switching the delivery address to a smtp authenticated address from the ddomain to see if that has an affect


                        You need to try the payment method that isn't sending the email (most likley your psp).

                        Place an order, pay by credit card and see if you get sent back to your receipt page.


                        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                          good idea Mike thanks

                          I am waiting for info from the office regarding which payments used which psp, i thnk that will shed some light. i will post here what i find out of course

                          but for now im off on holiday!! my first one in many years!! hooooraaaayyy!!

                          thanks again for all teh help guys


                            an update....

                            This problem is still here, although fluctuating wildly which makes it all the more puzzling, sometimes i get 30% of the receipt order copies, sometimes 90% or more

                            for a while we had no paypal orders for a few days, thats orders not just receiving the receipt mails, they came back but have stopped again.

                            most puzzling, has anyone else experienced these kinds of fluctuations? other than the paypal oddity i mentioned the order numbers have been fairly steady over the years, these fluctuations are new and scary!

