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Not getting my copy of the confirmation email

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    just to clarify... I do get the protx confirmation of the customers payment, and the customer gets their protx confirmation of payment and actinic order confirmation - but I don't get my copy of the actinic order confirmation, or the initial 'you have a new order' notification.

    I've now changed the email address in actinic to my normal one so just got to wait for someone to place an order now...


      Thanks for the clarification - can confirm that I am experiencing exact same problem ( since yesterday : everything was working fine before then!).
      I've also changed the email to send both to the previous email AND another email address - I then put through an order myself ( obviously refunding !) and I still didn't receive the order notification or copy of the customer email.


        huh, how about that. SOmeone just placed an order and it sent me an email! That's odd... I'm going to put the other one back in (I know it's a valid email!) and see what happens.


          ok thanks! I have to go out for the day though and already running late. can you remove the comment from the forum so as not to alert any of the people you mentioned to what you just said - until I get a chance to change it tonight... ta.


            Hi John,

            Post removed as requested. Good luck.



              Hmm - curious as to what was said here?
              I'm still having this problem and am at a loss what to do - any help from anyone would be really appreciated.


                my stats were showing!

                no worries, sorted it now. But thanks for reminfing me, just realised that the site has been down for about 2 months. I remember I was going to sort it out but never had the time. Actinic is just refusing to update or refresh the site for some reason. ho hum, that's for another time another post...

                with regards to the email problem I just tried a different email and it works, don't know why - the other email was a valid working email address... Maybe because it was on the same domain as the site? If your email is the same domain name as your site try a different one and see if that fixes it...


                  Maybe because it was on the same domain as the site? If your email is the same domain name as your site try a different one and see if that fixes it...
                  You said the site was on Webfusion, but for the record any site on PB servers must have email address matching SMTP for domain. - localhost doesn't work on PB servers

