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'Next Section' and 'Previous Section' links?

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    'Next Section' and 'Previous Section' links?

    I would like to limit the number of products that are shown per page.

    I have searched the knowledge base and found this article:

    But I am unsure as to where to paste the code into the Act_Primary template.

    If someone could let me know I would be grateful.


    The AUG has this also Graham, i'd do it from there rather than the knowledgebase.



      Thanks for the reply but I may have missled you with what I am trying to achieve because I have just tried that and it links to the next section rather than more products in that section.

      What I would like to have is in a section that has say 20 products, instead of having them all on one page so you have to scroll down the page a long way, I would like to have next and previous links in that section so that there are only 5 products shown on the page so that all 20 productas are spread over 4 pages.

      Or the other idea I was thinking about was to have a "Back to Top" button so that if there war a long page of items you could just click on that link and it would take you to the top of the page. Not sure if this is called a place holder, anchor point or what. Do you have any ideas on what they are called so I can do a serach in the AUG?

      Thanks for the continued help


        You can't do what you describe within Actinic, the only method is to sub divide sections into subsections of 20 products and use the next/previous code


          You create a number of sections at the same level and then the next and previous move through them for you. If you have a section with 100 products, you'd split it into 5 sections of 20 products each and then the next and previous links navigate through.

          You need to get all products out of one section and into multiple sections on the same level. So:

          Car parts



            Thanks for that.

            Any idea how I do the "Back to Top" link where I click on the button and it takes me to the top of the page?


              <a href="#">top</a> is a way of cheating, i haven't the incline to illustrate page anchors.


                Nice one.

                Just have to figure out where to place it now.

                Thanks for your help

                Figured it out - thanks for giving me a starting point
                Last edited by thatscrafty; 28-Jun-2007, 06:22 PM. Reason: figured it out


                  If you place this:
                  <a id="top" name="top"></a>
                  at the top of your template (Act_Primary), just after the opening BODY tag then you can place this:
                  !!<<a href="#top">Go To Top</a>>!!
                  in a text only fragment and place it anywhere you want, at the end of your products perhaps. Clikcing on it will always take you to the very top of the page that you are on.


                    If the products are in a database, then I've done some work for a client splitting the products within an Access database - get in touch if of any interest?

