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Where can I find Coupon Code?

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    Where can I find Coupon Code?

    Hi there

    If a customer quotes a coupon code, where is it reported on our printouts, packing lists, invoices etc?

    We have a free gift offer at the moment if a customer types in a Coupon Code but, at the moment, we can't see when they've keyed in the code.

    If we do an offline order, the code can be selected on the first input screen and appears on the same page as the payment details page but this doesn't happened with online orders?

    Can anyone point me in the right direction for sorting this one out.
    I have the coupon set up as 'Value Including Tax - £10' (this is the qualifying amount) > Coupon Code 'BlahBlah' > Product Group 'All' (all our products are in one group as we offer a discount on orders over a certain amount)

    Reward Type '% of extra product' > Reward amount '100.00' > Group 'FREE GIFT' (we only have one product in this group and it's hidden on the website)



    The coupon code is downloaded and stored in the DB however it is not displayed anywhere on the orders. There is a coupon summary report that will tell you the coupons used and the order numbers. Also the invoice / packing list and data entry report show the coupon description as an order detail line, so maybe they could add the coupon code into the description.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Oakie dokie, I'll have a look at that. Thanks.

