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General Script Error

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    General Script Error

    We are having intermittent problems when customers are trying to place an order. When they are clicking next on the payment method (to pay by HSBC) the following message is appearing:

    A General Script Error Occurred

    Error: ../acatalog/217Z41Z217Z22A1181659957B14645.session can not be locked during Session init!

    We are also not receiving confirmation emails when an HSBC order is received but we are when Paypal is the payment method. Any ideas?

    Have you searched the forum as this problem has been aired and discussed before. Search for 'session init' and then please delete your thread, we are trying to streamline the forum and remove numerous duplicate threads on the same subjects.


      Thank you for your help!


        OK, I have searched the forum and tried all the suggestions but we are still getting the error message and are still losing money.

        I have registered a support ticket with the help desk and I am still waiting for someone to get in touch with me.

        We also pay for Actinic cover and have tried to ring them but their office hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. I find it strange that I am paying cover but it doesnt count weekends yet all internet business are open weekends aswell.

        Can anyone else suggest something rather than "search the forums" as I have tried that with no luck.

        I am getting p1ssed 0ff now as I know we are losing money


          I thought there was weekend cover - I'm not sure how to contact it though.

          Could you tell us what you have done to try to remedy this ....


            This is the opnly number I can find 0845 129 4888 and it has a recording saying about the office hours.

            purge and refresh, incrementing the cgi script id by 1, help|troubleshooting|website purge and refresh, had the cgi-bin and acatalog permissions checked on my linux server and they are correct and maybe a couple of other things that I cant remember as it feels I have been trying to sort this out all night.

            As it is an intermittent problem it is even worse.

            We are also not receiving the order confirmation emails.

            After searching the other threads I get the impression that this is a well known problem and Actinic dont seem to have put out a bug fix (unless I have missed it while reading through the other threads).

            I am getting very frustrated with actinic because they seem to rely heavily on the good will of the experienced developers on this forum rather than take ownership of the problems themselves.
            Last edited by thatscrafty; 30-Jun-2007, 02:25 PM. Reason: more info about contact number for actinic cover help line


              This problem has always been down to bad hosts IMO, i have not experienced this issue once with a proven successful host. Who are you hosted with and would you consider a move, been as you are losing money anyway?


                Our hosting company are X3 and I am very happy with them and would rather not change as they have always been there to help responding very quickly.

                Rather than just change hosts I would like to find out what is actually causing the problem and fix it that way rather than just move. What happens if it is the same on our new hosts - just keep moving?

                This to me is not sorting out the problem and Actinic, in my opinion, should be doing more to help - like having cover at the weekend if you pay for cover. Also for long standing issues like this putting out a patch or a fix description on their website addressing these issues.


                  If it down to the hosting company Graham, there is little Actinic can do about it. As i mentioned, i have never experienced or heard of this problem on a successful proven actinic hosting company. It's all well and good wanting to stick with your hosts cos you like them, if they don't work with actinic or are problematic - then they are useless.

                  I would much rather have a useless host that worked perfectly with actinic, than a great host that didn't - but that is your decision. The longer the issue drags on, the more you may be inclined to stop the losing money and start taking it in sales again. You can't be losing anything like what could be considered serious, otherwise you would surely take a punt, spend £100 and try a recommended host. You can easily go back.

                  It is my belief that it is hosting related, i could be completely wrong, i can only draw on my own experiences, plus what i've read on the forum. I've never heard of this on a Pinbrook server, for example, perhaps i can be corrected on that and learn something myself.

                  As for support, the search facility in the forum is the greatest free support contract that i know of in the world - that costs nothing apart from a bit of time and patience.


                    OK, you have made your point about the hosts and searching the forums but I would like to know what is causing the problem so I can then go back and talk to my hosts and get them to check things.

                    I have tried everything suggested on the forum but that hasnt worked which is why I didnt delete my original post and asked the question again.

                    I am paying for actinic cover which isnt available at the weekend unless you have a number I can use other than the 0845 129 4888 number on their support page


                      Originally posted by thatscrafty
                      OK, you have made your point about the hosts and searching the forums but I would like to know what is causing the problem so I can then go back and talk to my hosts and get them to check things.

                      I have tried everything suggested on the forum but that hasnt worked which is why I didnt delete my original post and asked the question again.

                      I am paying for actinic cover which isnt available at the weekend unless you have a number I can use other than the 0845 129 4888 number on their support page
                      Graham, i understand your frustration and wanting to know why things don't work, but you have to be prepared that you might never find out. There are so many different technologies all colliding, Inspector Clueso would struggle to find it. Sometimes you just have to hold your hands up as you will not get the techy answer on why these things happen - it can be impossible to solve sometimes, so you just have to move on.

                      I sincerely hope i am wrong and that you get your hosting sorted out with your current company, you are certainly more patient than me.

                      As for support numbers, i have no idea to be honest, i've never rung them and never had a support contract, although it wouldn't surprise me if it was not available on weekends, your support contract should be able to confirm.

                      Unless a miracle happens, i think you need to be prepared to wait til Monday and speak to them direct. In the meantime if you'd like to have a go at uploading to one of my test domains, then contact me via email and i will try and help you to prove what is wrong.


                        Seems fine my end now Graham on different hosting. Same for you?


                          The problem is that it is intermittent - it works then if you add something else to the cart it seems to fall over

