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opt in for email marketing during checkout

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    opt in for email marketing during checkout


    Wonder if anyone can help. Ideally I would like to be able to ask customers if they would like to receive a monthly newsletter when going through the checkout processes, then capture this data for each unique email address to export and use through a standalone email marketing tool.

    I realise email address is captured for order confirmation purposes but how can I put in an opt in check box to capture permission for email marketing.

    Many thanks

    <a href=""></a>

    You could change one of the optional question inputs, i.e. "How did you find our site" one maybe to "Do you want to opt in for our newletter" and change it within the html to a drop down instead of an input, with obvious choices of No or Yes.

    This will still mean manually extracting the details out of Actinic and putting it into your mailer.

    You might also want to take a look at where they have tools that can do a lot of the extraction of email addresses directly from the Actinic software, but there site will tell you more......

