Your shipping opaque data appears to be incorrect. This is generated by catalog based on your shipping settings and the order location. Your dodgy orders have opaque shipping data along these lines :-
I think that the value after ShippingZone should map to a zone in the zones table on the shipping database but you haven't got a zone 61. If you change the value from 61 to 13 (which is correct for this particular order because it is from Florida) you will be able to access your order again.
I couldn't see why the incorrect data was being generated - I think that you need to talk to Dr. Actinic to get it properly diagnosed. IMHO this might be an upgrade issue, there are V5 orders on the database with this shipping zone as well so either the zone used to exist OR the V5 shipping OCX didn't mind invalid zones - interestingly the zone is set to -1 before the crash occurs so maybe this is a subscript out of range type thingy.
I think that the value after ShippingZone should map to a zone in the zones table on the shipping database but you haven't got a zone 61. If you change the value from 61 to 13 (which is correct for this particular order because it is from Florida) you will be able to access your order again.
I couldn't see why the incorrect data was being generated - I think that you need to talk to Dr. Actinic to get it properly diagnosed. IMHO this might be an upgrade issue, there are V5 orders on the database with this shipping zone as well so either the zone used to exist OR the V5 shipping OCX didn't mind invalid zones - interestingly the zone is set to -1 before the crash occurs so maybe this is a subscript out of range type thingy.