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Fragments on Front page.

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    Fragments on Front page.

    Hi Guys,

    if you look at my front page you will see that I have fragments in the middle section listing things such as "save10%", "speaker cable", "speakers" etc etc.
    at present these each take up the full width of the centre section. Is it possible to have say the 10% banner accross the whole middle section but alter the others so that I can display 2 of them side by side.
    I am not familiar with html so would require a fairly detailed explanation if possible.


    Last edited by aliscot; 15-Jul-2007, 10:11 AM. Reason: further details added


    I managed to find some info in previous posts and have managed to create 4 columns with seperate titles no problem. I have also added an image which shows above the first column title. When I add another image I cannot get it to align above the next column title, it just shows right next to the first image.
    How do I adjust this?
    Also, how do I create a link so when the customer clicks each image it takes them to the relevant page?




      Hi Again,

      I have managed to create a link now and it works fine. Now the only problem I have is getting the images to line up above each of the 4 columns rather than all next to each other.


        I'm looking forward to your 6pm post stating with a bit of effort you sorted that part too. Amazing what a bit of effort can achieve, an example to all, thanks for keeping us updated with the progress.


          thanks for your kind words....I am not one for admitting defeat. however, I really am stuck with the last bit. I need to know how to position the images directly above the text and have tried everything I know and searched relentlessly but to no avail!


            url of the actual page please


              Originally posted by pinbrook
              url of the actual page please


                ok i asked for the url because on your index page you have images and links but they aren't in columns of 4 - hence i didn't understand the question - and still don't.

                All i can see is alternating text and images

                ah you WANT them in columns of 4? I would simple write the code in HTML and paste it into the fragment


                  hi Jo

                  I have not uploaded the live page as it's not correct. I have pasted the html code into a fragment to give me 4 columns and it works fine. I then added an image above the first column and made the image a link and that worked as well. I then added another image to go above the second column but it gets placed right next to the first image rather than above the second column. I want to be able to add 4 images and have each showing above the relevant columns.
                  this is the text I used in the fragment...

                  <table width="125%" border="0">
                  <td colspan="2">Sale Specials</td>
                  <A HREF = http://www.hificablesandaccessories....DSPEAKERS.html TARGET="_self"><img src="eposm5thumbnail.jpg" /></A></td></td>
                  <td colspan="2">Sale Specials</td>
                  <A HREF = http://www.hificablesandaccessories....DSPEAKERS.html TARGET="_self"><img src="eposm5thumbnail.jpg" /></A></td></td>
                  <td colspan="2">sale specials</td>
                  <td colspan="2">Sale Specials</td>
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by aliscot; 15-Jul-2007, 05:52 PM. Reason: add info


                    Ok i'm assuming you want 4 column 2 rows, each column the same width, Sale Special text above the image and link to product

                    Heres some code

                    I've set each column to be 25% wide, you will need to replace <table width=760 with whatever value you want ie replace 760 with 100% or 80%. i've also centred the content in each column. But the code should be self explanatory

                    <table width="760" border="0" cellpadding="4">
                        <td width="25%"><div align="center">Sale Specials 1</div></td>
                        <td width="25%"><div align="center">Sale Specials 2</div></td>
                        <td width="25%"><div align="center">Sale Specials 3</div></td>
                        <td width="25%"><div align="center">Sale Specials 4</div></td>
                        <td width="25%"><div align="center"><a href = http://www.hificablesandaccessories....DSPEAKERS.html target="_self"><img src="eposm5thumbnail.jpg" /></a></div></td>
                        <td width="25%"><div align="center">2</div></td>
                        <td width="25%"><div align="center">3</div></td>
                        <td width="25%"><div align="center">4</div></td>


                      Hi Jo,

                      thank you very much, that worked perfectly.
                      I tried to set up another one where the writing was on top with the picture link below and it worked but the picture spacing went all to pot.
                      How should I change it to allow this?




                        Need more info Ali.
                        Are the pics the same size as previous?
                        What do mean it went to pot?

