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loading sites

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    loading sites

    Hello all,

    I am new to actinic, i am fairly certain this will be greated with laughter however im stuck.

    At my work someone recently used actinic to create a site. we have a backup etc.
    Now i need to continue the work on my computer which has a fully licensed copy of actinic and i cant work out how to load the site. I have a copy of "site1" from my colleagues computer but for the life of me i cant work out how to load it.

    Thanks for any help



    What you need to do is to copy the contents of the backup 'Site1' folder and paste it into the 'Site1' folder on your installation of Actinic. You will find it at C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1

    I assumed a snapshot was not available !! The method suggested by Malcolm below is the proper way to transfer over a site. If Actinic is still on your Friend's PC, get him to make a snapshot ( File | Snapshot | Export Site..) and send that over to you.

    You can then import that snapshot ( File | Snapshot | Import Site..) and get to where your friend is. A snapshot will contain everything from within the 'Site1' folder and is a more reliable method of transfer.

    Kind regards,
    Last edited by Bruce; 19-Jul-2007, 12:55 PM. Reason: Added Information: ( assumed a snapshot was not available )
    Bruce King


      Or transfer the site using a snapshot

