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How to show 10 product at a time on each page???

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    How to show 10 product at a time on each page???

    I am very new to actinic and I have lots of questions

    If in a section I have 100 products,how do I show only 10 products at a time on one page and add a next and previous button.


    you will have to create sub sections containing 10 products each, and then use the prev/next feature as described in the advanced user Guide


      Thank you for trying to help me with this problem. For example:
      Right now I have created 1 section that has 100 produts in it, these are all in 1 page.
      As you know having it that way, takes long to load up; therefore, I like to have only 10 products in each page.
      Per your instructions, I made subsections and placed 10 items in each, BUT, when you click on "section" it takes you to the sub sections that I created.

      I want it to go directly to the first page when I click on the "SECTION". I do not want to see the subsections.
      Is there a way, we can achive this?


        this is the method that the AUG describes....

        Creating Links to 'Previous' and 'Next' Sections
        This exercise will create links to 'previous' and 'next' sections (i.e. sections at the same level in the store – sometimes known as 'sibling sections').
        Include content similar to the following within the overall layout (primary) template for a section where you want the links to appear:
        <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <td align="right"><a href="NETQUOTEVAR:NEXT_SECTION_URL">NETQUOTEVAR:NEXT_SECTION_NAME</a></td>

        I'm not sure if this is what you want......


          Dear Jo,
          I don't think we are talking about the same thing.
          I don't need to go to the next section.
          I need to go to the next 10 products.
          the key word is PRODCUTS.

          For exp:
          Currently, under "Catalog", I have created 1 "section" called "Tshirts".
          in this section I have 100 different style Tshirts which are my 100 produts.
          If one clicks on "SECTION"(Tshirts), I want him to only see the first 10 tshirts and at the bottom of the page "the "NEXT" button to appear to take him to the next 10 t shirts.
          on the 2nd and so on pages, the "NEXT" & "PREVIOUS" should appear.


            Can anyone help me with this problem?



              There is no way to do your store exactly as you want, so you need to think laterally about how to get a similar effect.

              You are right that when you create a range of sub-sections, it creates ten separate pages that you can see links to from the front page of the store.

              However, you can go to 'Design | Options | Site Defaults' and change the 'Base Page Name' to 'front_page.html' and then go into the 'Page Filename' field of your first section and rename this to 'index.html'. That way, when people go to the 'acatalog' folder on your online store, you will be shown the first page in your list.

              Next, you need to enter the code mentioned by Jo Morecroft into your Act_ProductBody.html template. Place it just above and below the code that says




              It sounds like you are going to need to get into the design of the stores so you are going to get your head around the HTML templates. I suggest you read the 'Designing with Actinic Developer' guide - there is a link to it in my signature.


                Please take a look at this link so you will see what I am trying to do.

                If you look at the top of the site it has < 1 2 3 4 5 > pages how do I achieve that?

                I appreciate any input about this matter



                  Actinic will not do this kind of navigation automatically - you need to manually create it.

                  You could include this kind of navigation in your Overall Layout template just above NETQUOTEVAR:BULK.

                  Link the '1', '2', '3' numbers to the sections in your store by using a link of the following form:



                  Section%5fPage%2ehtml is the filename of the section page you want to link to with the '_' replaced by '%5f' and the '.' replaced by '%2e'.

                  http://your.URL/cgi-bin/ is the URL of your search script (usually online.

                  You can then link the '<' to 'NETQUOTEVAR:PREV_SECTION_URL' and the '>' to 'NETQUOTEVAR:NEXT_SECTION_URL'.


                    What if some sections have 5 page and some have 8 page??

                    How do you control the number of pages?

                    Please explain the process step by step. I am a slow learner so please even explain easy steps, details and give examples

                    I really appreciate your help.


                      OK. You need to read up about Actinic HTML templates or else every time you need to make a change to this, you are going to have to come back to the forum rather than being able to make the change yourself.

                      Could you please take a look at the 'Designing with Actinic Developer' guide (linkis in my signature) as this contains some key principles you need to understand about overall layout templates.

                      Read up about that and then see if my answers make any more sense.

                      It may also be worth looking at the 'Actinic v6 Getting Started Guide' to learn about building sections and how Actinic turns sections into pages.

                      What if some sections have 5 page and some have 8 page??
                      I did not know this was a possibility when I gave you my original idea, so did not take into account this possibility.

                      Actinic will not lay out sections in the way you want. Period. Therefore you have to manually build your very specialised navigation system yourself.

                      A link like this:

                      <a href="NETQUOTEVAR:PREV_SECTION_URL">&amp;lt;</a>

                      will create a '<' link that takes customers through to the 'Previous' section in the store (i.e. the one before your current one). And then this code:

                      <a href="NETQUOTEVAR:NEXT_SECTION_URL">&amp;gt;</a>

                      Will create a '>' link that takes customers through to the next section in the store.

                      If you put these links into your overall layout template just above NETQUOTEVAR:BULK then they will appear at the top of each page.


                        Thanks for your help. I have read the beginner and advanced user guide. but it's hard to understand the guide since it dose not show you step by step and dose not give examples. Maybe I am just stupid maybe not because this topic got lots of hits so I assume there are others that have the same problems.
                        for example in the custom temples if I change Act_primary.html layout will it change all the basic layout for all my pages? Then why my index page is still actinic theme. or do I have to use netquotevar in my layouts? Or why when I make my custom layout and I run it in preview I get a warning about unload and footers being possibly corrupted? but it seems to work fine. Also is there place that shows you all the netqoutevar elements and the meanings? Can I use FrontPage to edit layouts?

                        sorry but I am going nuts for the past 2 weeks trying to figure out the manuals. confused:

                        If anyone wants to contact me about creating a custom layout for my site please name your price... I am just interested in simple custom layout.:


                          "Maybe I am just stupid maybe not because this topic got lots of hits "

                          That's because we've all been using bodge methods of doing what you're trying to do for years, and we wanted to see if there's a better way that we don't know about ;o)

                          "if I change Act_primary.html layout will it change all the basic layout for all my pages?"

                          The brochure pages (in the default templates) use a different Primary template. I would tell you what it was called, but my Catalog installation is broken at the moment... Look for other templates with the word "Primary" in their names and try editing those.

                          "Also is there place that shows you all the netqoutevar elements and the meanings?"

                          Look in the appendices of the Advanced User Guide.

                          "Can I use FrontPage to edit layouts?"

                          If that's what you prefer to use, then sure.

                          It might be wise, to begin with, to just "offline preview" a page with Design > Options > Compact HTML turned *off*. You'll see comments in the source markup that refer to the template being used, eg:

                          <!-- Act_Header.html begin -->

                          <!-- Act_header.html end -->

                          This should help you find your way around and figure out which templates do what. Of course, in my day, they never had those comments, moan, complain, grumble (no pun intended)...


                            I have read the beginner and advanced user guide. but it's hard to understand the guide since it dose not show you step by step and dose not give examples.
                            I think you have to accept that the modifications you want to make to catalog are beyond your current capabilities.

                            The user guide can not give examples of every possible code manipulation and every single feature you may want ot make to catalog.

                            If you are a beginner at HTML then you need to work a little more slowly, maybe introduce some of the features for which the code is given. Learn from this, until you are ready to take on more advanced ideas. People in this group are very helpful but they aren't going to code all the modifications you ask for.


                              I know this is an old thread, but I've done this very thing on a V5 catalog site using PHP coding.

                              Check out any of the pages on and you will see that each page with more than 10 objects is automatically split. I've also included the option to sort by price and alphabetical.

