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Error in with Simple Search

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    Error in with Simple Search

    When I type in a keyword at the simple search at the product page, it have error msg stating that:

    A General Script Error Occurred

    Error: Could not locate the product reference.
    Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

    When I do it on the advance search. It will show the result.
    The simple search also work on the advance search page.

    Go to
    and try to enter a keyword like "blue" to get what i mean.

    Other than that other pages such as the term and condition and check out which also contain the simple search. It will have error message such as:

    A General Script Error Occurred

    Error: There is no valid input parameters for the script! Check the referencing HTML code!
    Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

    Can anyone explain why? Thx
    <a href = "">
    The Online Fabric Store

    Hi Kai

    I can't see the problem here. The simple search was successful on various catalogue pages and I progressed successfully through the checkout pages with a dummy order (up to the WorldPay stage). Are you still experiencing errors?

    Ben Popplestone
    Ecommerce website software


      Thank Ben, It is solved. Cause by inserting of footer as a img. Still figuring out why it that so.
      <a href = "">
      The Online Fabric Store

