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information page

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    information page

    I know you can add descriptions and what-have-you to the 'information link' in the products tab (as it's an external file).
    What I'd like to do (and can do... to a point) is include an 'add to cart' button etc.
    While I can include the appropriate code lifted from the section, is it possible to link the 'buy now' button and price to the actual catalogue, thus enabling the automatic replacement of 'buy now' with out-of-stock, etc?



    hi chris, i think this is what you want, norman has done a great job of getting the add to cart and variables into the extended info pop-ups in v6

    for the automation you require, i think this is the only solution because actinic generates the popup pages and therefore is in control of them whereas your extra info pages are not touched by actinic, more simply referenced by them...hope that makes sense

    also there are some other very useful actinic patches there....

    best of luck

    steve quinn


      Ok, that looks like it should be what I need... but for a relative newbie, how do I go about implementing it?
      For example, it says "Wrap a named form around original template. Use Javascript on submit to fetch the form submission details from the calling page."
      How do I go about doing this?




        This is where I'm trying to add the code... I can add a 'buy now' button, but I want to have the page alter when I change prices etc in actinic... is this possible?


          i think if im not mistaken, that normans comments there are explanations of what the code he has written below the comments is doing...this is something most coders do and allows you to see whats going on/backtrack your code..

          by looks of it, you need to create a test_extendedinfo.html page and copy the html below and including the comments into test_extendedinfo.html

          the rest of the walkthrough is a little clearer..

          hope this helps

          steve q
          'poking fun at the linux community since 1903......'


            and... because i took so long to write that reply, i only just saw your screenshot.

            really, normans way of doing it involves you using the extended info tab on the product input, not the information link text and file/url way to display further information about a product.

            it may be possible to hard code the stuff you need into a non-actinic page you have created but the difficulty of updating as i pointed out above is that a file you are linking to in the file/url field isnt generated by actinic, it is hand built by you, whereas the method for using the extended info popup for your further information creates pages generated by actinic and therefore will reflect the changes you require...i think!

            also, a nice side effect of letting actinic generate your further information pages is it will take care of uploading images etc for that page.

            like all actinic templates, the extended info one can be changed fairly easily design wise, and that has been covered well elsewhere in this isnt that hard to make it behave/look exactly the same as whatever you had manually built and were linking too...

            let me know if this helps or you want some more pointers making your pop-up templates look/feel/be designed however your manually built 'file/url' pages are..

            make sense?



              I'll let you know! ) thanks for your help... all I need to do now is try and break it... ;o)



                Does this need to be uncommented? or can it be left 'as-is'?

                // set the window name to unique value
                Now = new Date();
                var WindowName = "W" + Now.getTime();
       = WindowName;


                  well, it all seems to work, just one question... when you click on the 'buy now', is it possible to close the popup, and open the cart in the parent page?

                  I'd rather not have 'x' number of browsers windows all over the customers desktop, all with different shopping cart info...


                    Originally posted by Chris_Lucas
                    Does this need to be uncommented? or can it be left 'as-is'?

                    // set the window name to unique value
                    Now = new Date();
                    var WindowName = "W" + Now.getTime();
           = WindowName;
                    Leave it quoted as all it does is hide the script from older browsers that can't support it.

                    Inside script tags, the browser should not recognise any html tags, only JS code.
                    Actinic User since v.3

                    Custom Actinic Site Specialist:
                    <a href=""></a>
                    <a href=""></a>
                    <a href=""></a>


                      <sfx>Norman wakes up blinking wearily at the sound of his name.</sfx>
                      when you click on the 'buy now', is it possible to close the popup, and open the cart in the parent page?
                      Watch out if you do this with a Quantity on Product Page type popup as errors (invalid quantities, missing Other Info, bad dates, etc) are displayed on the calling page and in this case it would be a window that's closed. Result - confusion.

                      It's best to use the Quantity in Confirmation Page or Quantity in Shopping Cart as these exist even if the window has closed.

                      Norman -
                      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                        ) that's great, I don't / won't use "quantity on page" anyway... so how do I activate it?



                          / don't mind me... dratted thing does it automatically now!

                          Didn't when I posted the first time though...

                          Wonderful piece of code!

                          Thanks Norman! My this community never stop being so helpful...


                            ) that's great, I don't / won't use "quantity on page" anyway... so how do I activate it?
                            That's done at the Section level. Double click a section and make sure you're in Advanced view and it's the Layout tab.

                            Norman -
                            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                              Sorry, didn't make myself clear there! I meant activate the popup closing, which it does itself now... <mumble> raxin' fraxin' technology... trying to catch me out... I'll get you and your lil' doggy too... </mumble>

                              Thanks again.

