I've just been asked to look after someones web site and have got their ftp details etc. I have asked for a copy of their site1 folder and asked them to read out their network settings.
They have the following
hosting uers ID
hosting password
hosting shop ID
Hosting URL
I take it this is a different version to the one I am used to. It is version 4 and their catalog is on a completey different URL to their web site. Some questions
What verison of actinic is this?, Is it HOST I've read about
Can I control this web site by adding a new license to my exisitng version of 4 which has two other sites installed?
If not can I install this version along side that version.
How do I get the network settings to prompt me for these settings and no the usual ones?
They have the following
hosting uers ID
hosting password
hosting shop ID
Hosting URL
I take it this is a different version to the one I am used to. It is version 4 and their catalog is on a completey different URL to their web site. Some questions
What verison of actinic is this?, Is it HOST I've read about
Can I control this web site by adding a new license to my exisitng version of 4 which has two other sites installed?
If not can I install this version along side that version.
How do I get the network settings to prompt me for these settings and no the usual ones?